Company details
Company code: | 0000531275 |
VAT identification number: | 5842738447 |
Head office: | PUŁAWSKA st. 2, building A, 02-566 Warsaw, Poland |
Correspondence address: | PUŁAWSKA st. 2, building A, 02-566 Warsaw, Poland |
Establishment date and register: | November 13, 2014 |
Shareholders: | UAB „Ignitis renewables“ – 100 % |
Share capital: | PLN 78,414,050.00 |
Contact information
Company governance
Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.
Performance 2023
Performance, EURm | |
Revenue | - |
Expenses | (0.3) |
Adjusted EBITDA | (0.3) |
Net profit | (0.1) |
Investments | 44.5 |
Assets | 74.6 |
Equity | 47.0 |
Liabilities | 27.6 |
Number of employees | 01 |
1There was no employment contract. A company is represented by elected board member.
Company details
Company code: | 0000531275 |
VAT identification number: | 5842738447 |
Head office: | PUŁAWSKA st. 2, building A, 02-566 Warsaw, Poland |
Correspondence address: | PUŁAWSKA st. 2, building A, 02-566 Warsaw, Poland |
Establishment date and register: | November 13, 2014 |
Shareholders: | UAB „Ignitis renewables“ – 100 % |
Share capital: | PLN 78,414,050.00 |