
An energy smart world is created by our employees. It is important that employees work in safe conditions, have proper competences and can express themselves in their work. It is also strategically important to the Group to attract talents from various groups in society and promote an inclusive environment.


The Group is one of the largest employers in Lithuania, therefore, it forms and seeks to maintain an organizational culture that fosters long-term employer-employee partnerships based on the Group’s values and the Code of Ethics, mutual understanding and the opportunity to create an energy smart future. We carry out our activities and pursue our goals while protecting not only the environment but also the well-being of our employees: for us, this is a precondition for sustainable operations. Therefore, the Group is constantly developing, searching for and testing different tools that could contribute to the well-being of its employees.

Occupational health and safety of employees and contractors

We aim to create a safe work environment for our employees and partners, and that’s why we constantly revise and improve our work safety features and processes established to identify potential risks. The Group’s companies use various measures for this.  Actions taken to ensure the competence of the current and future workforce:|

  • OHS policy and management advancements;
  • focused risk assessment and prevention;
  • promoting safety awareness and communication;
  • employee focused OHS training initiatives;
  • enhancing workplace safety;
  • incident management and reporting.

Competent employees now and in the future

It’s important to us that employees feel empowered to improve their knowledge, so we provide them with various opportunities to achieve it. The Group has established a training academy where various general, professional and competency-based management training is offered. The Group has more than 20 training programmes covering a wide range of target groups, from newcomers to top executives. For example, there are leadership, team-building, change management, project management and other types of training available. 

The Group takes care of raising staff qualifications and ensures that employees have all the necessary certification for work required by law.

For more information on employees development programmes, click here.


The Group is addressing several challenges in the energy sector, including the low number of students enrolling in electrical and energy engineering studies and the aging workforce of engineers. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness among students, the youth and the broader society about the energy sector’s career prospects. 

To combat these issues, the Group continues developing the #EnergySmartSTART programme. This initiative aims to engage young people in the energy field through activities at energy sites and vocational guidance in schools, increasing student employment in engineering positions during their studies and enhancing the sector’s perception as a viable career path. 

The Group integrates energy efficiency lessons into formal education and conducts educational classes at the Energy and Technology Museum in Vilnius. We also focus on continuous dialogue with engineering students, assisting high school graduates in preparation for their state exams and launching robust advertising campaigns, social media communication and participating in events to increase the sector’s visibility and appeal. 

For more information on #EnergySmartSTART, click here.

#EnergySmartSTART 2023 

Employee welfare, adequate remuneration and cooperation

We seek to shape an organizational culture with dedication and direction, as well as to ensure a positive employee experience. 

We have been conducting the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) surveys since 2019. This research helps us indicate how much employees value various experiences in the organization, how satisfied they are and if they would recommend us to their friends and colleagues. In 2024, the eNPS survey score for the Group remains high at 65.2%.

The Group provides comprehensive social protection through its participation in public benefit programmes to mitigate the impact of major life events. Additional benefits include sickness benefits, short-term health improvement leave, health promotion services and annual flu vaccinations. Unemployment benefits, personal accident insurance, maternity and paternity leave benefits are paid to employees.

For more information on how we ensure the welfare of our employees, click here.

Diversity, inclusion, and wellbeing

The Group’s Code of Ethics and Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy establish the principles of equal opportunity and diversity to be upheld in the Group, as well as the main means of their implementation. One of such means of implementation is the Group-wide Trust Line, to which employees and other stakeholders can confidentially report any possible breach of sustainability principles, including violations of human rights and equal opportunity, which are then investigated by the Group using a predetermined procedure.

A work environment that promotes diversity enriches the experience of employees and strengthens equal opportunities for their talents to unfold. Research also indicates that employee loyalty is higher and staff turnover is lower in companies where employees feel valued and involved in their activities. Furthermore, diverse teams are able to make better decisions, work more productively, create more innovative solutions, increase their creativity and resilience to risks. Therefore, in pursuit of its strategic goals, the Group also focuses on increasing diversity and inclusion.

We value every employee and seek to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their age, gender, race, cultural background, religion, sexual orientation or other criteria which are not directly related to work. The Group respects and protects the rights of its employees, stands against any human rights violations and promotes equal opportunities everywhere, where it can have an impact.

Work conditions, remuneration, benefits and other organizational aspects for our employees are determined to ensure equal opportunities for employees to manage their work, personal life and take care of family obligations.

For more information on how we ensure employee diversity, wellbeing and inclusion, click here.

Affected communities and financial support

Community is a group of people who are united by place of residence, occupation, shared beliefs, norms and common objectives, interests, or other identity. In the context of the Group's activities, we identify those communities that are or may be affected by the Group's activities.

We aim to minimize potential negative impacts on communities and be a trusted member of communities. When forming and improving our sustainability activities, we consider the opinions of community members. Therefore, we prioritize honest and active communication. 

The granting of support in the Group is regulated by the Ignitis Group Financial support policy. Based on best practices from other countries and the private sector, we provide financial support to projects and initiatives to close communities to contribute to community infrastructure development, skills training, events and other initiatives. Ignitis Renewables and Kaunas CHP (both Green Generation) provide financial support to community projects in Lithuania and Poland.

For more information on our work with communities, click here.