
Learn more about our dividend commitment and other dividend-related information.

Dividend policy

Since the Ignitis Group's IPO, we distribute our profits in line with our Dividend Policy. It is based on a fixed
starting level of EUR 85 million distributed for 2020 and a minimum growth rate of at least 3% for each subsequent financial year.

Dividend policy

Dividends decoration

Committed to grow dividend

by 3%

each year

Dividend per share

1.286 €

3.0% more than last year

Expected dividend yield

6.3 – 6.9%

during the 2023–2026 period

*Dividend yield for the 2023–2026 period is calculated based on Ignitis Group’s share price: 20.5 EUR/share.

Information on dividend payments

Year for which dividends are paid

Paid amount, EURm52.786.0100.778.313.
EPS, EUR 2.302.164.044.42
DPS, EUR 1.1431.1891.2481.286
Dividend pay-out, % 49.854.730.829.1
Dividend yield, %     
     For ordinary registered shares owners
     For GDR owners

*A dividend of EUR 1.286 per share for 2023 comprises of a dividend of EUR 0.643 paid for H1 2023 and a proposed dividend of EUR 0.643 for H2 2023, which is subject to the decision of our Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 27 March 2024.


Other relevant information on dividend payments

PeriodDividend per shareDate of decisionEx-dividend dateRecord datePayment dateOther relevant information
For 2024 H10.66311 September 202424 September 202425 September 20244 October 2024Link
PeriodDividend per shareDate of decisionEx-dividend dateRecord datePayment dateOther relevant information
For 2023 H20.64327 March 202410 April 202411 April 202423 April 2024Link
For 2023 H10.64321 September 20234 October 20235 October 202317 October 2023Link
PeriodDividend per shareDate of decisionEx-dividend dateRecord datePayment dateOther relevant information
For 2022 H20.62429 March 202312 April 202314 April 202326 April 2023Link
For 2022 H10.62429 September 202312 October 202313 October 202325 October 2023Link
PeriodDividend per shareDate of decisionEx-dividend dateRecord datePayment dateOther relevant information
For 2021 H20.60029 March 202211 April 202212 April 202225 April 2022Link
For 2021 H10.58927 September 20218 October 202111 October 202121 October 2021Link
PeriodDividend per shareDate of decisionEx-dividend dateRecord datePayment dateOther relevant information
For 2020 H20.57925 March 20218 April 20219 April 202121 April 2021Link

Taxation of dividends

In this section, you can find up-to-date information related to dividend taxation for security holders.


Type of investorResidence of investorTax ratePossibility to reduce the applicable tax rate
Natural personThe Republic of Lithuania15%​Not applicable
Other than the Republic of Lithuania15%​Applicable for some countries (please refer to information below)
Legal entity1The Republic of Lithuania16%​Not applicable
Other than the Republic of Lithuania16%​Applicable for some countries (please refer to information below)

1 From January 1, 2025, dividends paid to Lithuanian and foreign companies will be subject to corporate income tax at a rate of 16%.

Application of Treaty on Avoidance of Double Taxation

Residents of foreign countries that have concluded Double Taxation Treaties (hereinafter – DTT) with the Republic of Lithuania could take advantage of reduced tax rates, if provided by DTT, by submitting a Claim for Reduction or Exemption from the Anticipatory Tax Withheld at Source, form FR0021 (DAS-1) or other form approved by a foreign country’s tax authority. 

The form completed by the tax authorities of the country of residence by following the law requirements must be submitted to Group's investor relations team ([email protected]) by the day specified in the divided payment information, through a broker or a credit institution's branch providing securities accounting services to the foreign resident shareholder. 

The Group does not undertake to satisfy shareholders' requests if the form is received later than the set deadline. In such cases, the resident of a foreign country or his/her proxy can submit a request to the State Tax Inspectorate of the Republic of Lithuania and get a refund of the excess amount of the deducted tax.

Information for investment and pension funds

Dividends paid to Lithuanian units, collective investment undertakings, entities of venture and private equity and pension funds may be exempted in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Corporate Income Tax of the Republic of Lithuania only upon providing a signed confirmation that they comply with the form of activity of the specified entities (hereinafter - the Confirmation). The following additional information is required to confirm the identity of the funds:

 • name of the fund;

 • identification number; 

• ownership (owner or customer intermediary);

 • form of activity: 

      - collective investment undertaking;

      - entity of venture and private equity;

     - pension fund. 

Signed confirmations must be submitted to Group's investor relations team ([email protected]) by the date specified in the dividend payment information. Collective investment schemes, venture capital and private equity companies and pension funds that held ORS before 19 October 2022 and have submitted Confirmations with unchanged information do not need to resubmit their signed confirmations.

Information for owners of Global Depositary Receipts representing the ORS

The owners of Global Depositary Receipts representing the ORS (hereinafter – GDR) of the Group must take into account the specifics of legal regulation of GDRs, market differences and must consult with the GDR issuer (the Bank of New York Mellon), its authorised party or their securities managers regarding the moment of entitlement to receive dividends and other aspects, including eligibility of tax exemptions, application of treaties on avoidance of double taxation and refunding of taxes related to investments into GDRs.

More information about taxation can be found in the Group’s IPO Prospectus, ‘PART 16 – Taxation’, starting on p. 306.