Operational documents

Ignitis Group is determined to act justly and according to legislative requirements and international standards. All Group’s activities are regulated in our policies. You can find the list of our public policies available below.


Articles of Association

Activity policy


Row No. Title Description Download
1 Anti-corruption policy

Ignitis Group strives to act responsibly and sustainably, and therefore does not tolerate any form of corruption in its day-to-day activities and advocates honest business and transparent communication with all stakeholders. 

2 Abuse and harassment prevention policy

The purpose of the Policy is to provide and implement effective prevention measures in order to protect Employees from Abuse and Harassment and help employees clearly understand potential manifestations of Abuse and Harassment at work, recognise their signs and be aware of legal defence methods.

3 Code of Ethics

Ignitis Group’s Code of Ethics is based on organisation’s values and defines which ethical action principles the Group’s companies and employees must follow. The Code denotes for all parties of interest how the Group’s companies act in ethical and responsible principles in all their activities and what the Group expects from its partners.

4 Commercial and regulated procurement policy

The purpose of the Commercial and Regulated Procurement Policy of the Group is to establish the main principles for planning, execution and control of procurements of the Group companies according to which the Group companies conduct commercial and regulated procurements.

5 Community Involvement and Relations Management Guidelines

The purpose of these guidelines is to set out common guidelines for AB “Ignitis grupė” and its directly and indirectly managed legal entities (hereinafter – Group), according to which the Group companies shall involve communities in their activities and manage their relations, and to set out measures for implementation of these principles in the Group, which would strengthen the responsible and

6 Compliance Policy (abridged)

Compliance is defined in the Group as the compliance of companies’ activities according to the Group’s values, national legislations and recommendations, in order to ensure the transparency and legitimacy. The Policy determines the compliance management process, its control and responsibility during the process.

7 Corporate Governance Policy

Corporate Governance Policy sets the general governance principles within the Group, which ensures the integration of the Group’s companies into one organisation according to their activities and function. It also ensures fast and effective decision making and implementation, as well as competence concentration.

8 Dividend Policy

Dividend Policy defines the main principles, which are strictly followed when the parent company’s and all Group’s companies’ governing bodies make decisions about the Group’s dividends allocation.

9 Dividend Policy of AB Ignitis Group subsidiaries

The purpose of the Policy is to define the main principles that must be ensured when the Subsidiary’s management bodies submit proposals to the general meetings of shareholders regarding the allocation of the Subsidiary's dividends. The Policy aims to implement the requirements for the payment of dividends set out for the Company in the Company's dividend policy.

10 Environmental Policy

The Group is implementing its long-term strategy by mainly focusing on decarbonization of the energy sector, sustainable energy development, promotion of innovative solutions and sustainable development. By seeking sustainable development, the Group takes on responsibility for its impact on the environment.

11 Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy

Ensuring equal opportunity and diversity is key part of the Group’s and its employees’ relationship and Code of Ethics. The Group’s strength is having more than 3,500 employees; therefore, it’s important to use and to help flourish every individual’s unique abilities and point of view by creating an environment suited for equal opportunity and diversity.

12 Financial Risk Management and Control Policy

The Group’s financial risk management and control priority is minimisation of financial risk which can have a significant impact on the Group’s strategic targets. The Financial Risk Management and Control Policy lists possible risks pivotal to the Group’s strategic targets, their key management, monitoring principles, their control principles and measures.

13 Financial support and humanitarian aid policy

The aim of the Policy is to determine the common Group’s financial support provision principles.

14 Information Security Policy

The role of information is vital for the activities of the Group. If not enough attention and resources are spent on information security, the risk of loosing competitiveness in the free market, financial and reputation loss, and failing Group’s target goals increases.

15 Internal control policy

The purpose of the Internal control policy is to establish and maintain an effective and standardised Group internal control and management system that would help achieve the objectives of the internal control management system set out in this policy at the Group level.

16 Innovation Development Policy

Effective and fast development of innovations is perceived as one of the strategic activities of the Group, which assist the companies with their strategic targets’ implementation and increasing their competitiveness.

17 Market Abuse Prevention Policy

The Group supports responsible and ethical business and stands strictly against any type of abuse of financial markets, including such actions as manipulation of or an attempt to manipulate the market, trade or an attempt to trade based on information that is not publicly available or illegal disclosure of information that was not made public.

18 Occupational Health and Safety Policy

While implementing the occupational health and safety policy the Group is aiming to establish the main principles of a strong culture of occupational health and safety which encompasses all employees of Group companies, ensures the application of good practices and unified, transparent data processing and analysis at the Group companies.

19 People and culture policy

The achievement of strategic targets set by the Group is inseparable with the Group’s success to attract and maintain qualified employees by involving them in various activities, boosting their motivation, providing them with career opportunities, motivating them and, simultaneously, creating an environment for their development.

20 Personal Data Protection Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy states that personal data is managed in clearly defined legal manner and according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania.

21 Policy for the full or partial sale of the shares in Group's subsidiaries

The purpose of the Policy is to lay down rules and procedures for the conclusion of transactions for the full or partial sale of shares in direct subsidiaries or further tiers subsidiaries of AB “Ignitis grupė” which are not listed in a stock exchange, when such transactions are not concluded between AB “Ignitis grupė” and/or its subsidiaries and/or its further tiers subsidiaries as well as bet

22 Policy on the use of group collateral and assessment of the financial condition of suppliers

The aim of the policy is to regulate the use of collateral in transactions and the assessment and monitoring of the financial condition of suppliers in the Group.

23 Public Procurement Policy

The purpose of the Public Procurement Policy of the Group is to assure implementation of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and the directives of the European Union on the requirements for conclusion of public contracts, and to establish the main principles for planning, execution and control of public procurements of the Companies, according to which the public procurements are im

24 Remuneration Policy

Attracting and sustaining competent employees who are fast learners, technologically savvy, thinking globally and who innovate is part of the Group’s strategy. The principles of how the remuneration system is formed can be found in the Remuneration Policy.

25 Risk Management Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish a unified Group risk management model and principles, the application of which would help the Group and each of its Companies to ensure the uninterrupted performance of the Group's core activities in the short and long term, protect reputation and ensure credibility, protect the interests of customers, stakeholders and the public and other risk related

26 Supplier Code of Ethics

The Group is one of the largest buyers of various goods, services and works – companies owned by the Group carry out about 3,200 public and commercial procurements every year.

In order to contribute towards creating a more sustainable future for all of us, we are inviting all suppliers of the Group to comply with the provisions of the Supplier Code of Ethics.

27 Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy is the core policy of Ignitis Group’s sustainable development, which defines the implementation and execution monitoring principles of sustainable development, as well as the main implementation measures of the principles, which work as guidelines for the strategic targets and create responsible and sustainably developing business culture and practice.

28 Transactions with related parties policy

The Policy of the Group Transactions with Related Parties is intended to protect the interests of AB Ignitis grupė and its shareholders in order to assess possible conflicts of interest and avoid possible negative consequences of concluding transactions with related parties.

29 Transparency policy on the sale of the group's assets

The purpose of the policy shall be to establish the principles of transparency of the group of companies of AB “Ignitis grupė” in the sale of assets not used in the Group’s operations. 

30 Vehicle fleet management policy

The purpose of the Policy is to establish the general principles of the Group's vehicle fleet management, to define the main provisions to be followed by the Group's companies in their activities while managing their vehicle fleets and implementing strategic goals.