Company details

Company code:45403057233
Head office:Gustava Zemgala St. 74A, Rīga, Latvia
Correspondence address:Gustava Zemgala St. 74A, Rīga, Latvia
Date of establishment and registry:2020 June 1, Register of Legal Entities of Latvia
Shareholders:UAB "Ignitis renewables" – 100 %
Share capital:3 000.00 EUR

Contact information

Company governance

The company’s purpose and objective – developing renewable energy projects, generating electricity as well as commercial exploitation, management and construction of the necessary equipment and infrastructure.

Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

The Code of Ethics of Ignitis Group is based on the values of our organisation and describes the code of conduct to be followed by the Group companies and employees. You can find the Code of Ethics here

Veiklos rezultatai 2023 metais
Performance 2023, EURm




Adjusted EBITDA


Net profit










Number of employees


1There was no employment contract. A company is represented by elected board member.

Company details

Company code:45403057233
Head office:Gustava Zemgala St. 74A, Rīga, Latvia
Correspondence address:Gustava Zemgala St. 74A, Rīga, Latvia
Date of establishment and registry:2020 June 1, Register of Legal Entities of Latvia
Shareholders:UAB "Ignitis renewables" – 100 %
Share capital:3 000.00 EUR

Contact information

Company governance

Management Board

Baiba Lāce

Baiba Lāce

Board Member
Read more
Matthew Braund

Matthew Braund

Board Member
Read more

Documents and Reports