Financial support granted to local communities in 2024 in Latvia

Ignitis Renewables is continuing close cooperation with communities located near renewable energy projects that are under development, under construction or in operation. Organisations in Poland located near Silesia and Pomerania wind parks received more than €285,000 this year. Supported projects include activities such as the renovation of community centres, sports fields and other infrastructure as well as the organisation of cultural, educational, and sports activities of interest to the community members.

Community organisationAim of the projectAmount granted, EURProject end date
Fund “Fizisko aktivitāšu fonds“Exercise and educational sessions for residents of Stelpe20 460,002025-12-31
Fund “Ļūmaņu ģimenes fonds“Multi-functional sports area in Vecumnieki municipality58 181,262025-06-30
Association “Kur Zeme Dara“Lighting solutions, video surveillance and direction signs for 7 crossroads and 2 recreation areas44 128,702025-11-30
Association “Jaunmuižnieks“Bicycle maintenance station, 2 biking events8 919,002025-09-30
Association “Latvijas Mazpulki“An electricity connection and lighting at the renovated square, a summer event21 719,492025-09-14
Association “Jaunlutriņu attīstības biedrība“Playground for children24 400,002025-10-31
Association “BDR Vārmes pagasta attīstības biedrība "Vārme”“Footpath renovation (from school to kindergarten), lighting of the footpath and sports area81 404,582026-01-31
Association “Jaunatne smaidam“Mobile youth work (2 youth workers), various types of games/sports equipment10 280,722025-09-14
Total amount 269 493,75