Company details

Company code:306735351
Head office:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Establishment date and register:26 April 2024
Shareholders:UAB Ignitis renewables - 100 %
Authorised capital:1000 EUR

Contact information

Company governance

Ignitis Renewables owns renewable energy projects in the Baltic States and Poland and also is in charge of operation, supervision and development of wind farms. Development of new wind and solar energy projects is compatible with the strategic goal of the Group – increase of portfolio of green generation assets.

More information about Ignitis Renewables projects you can find here.

Ignitis Group companies seek to develop responsible and sustainable business culture. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in 2022 in the Sustainability Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

Performance 2023
Performance, EURm




Adjusted EBITDA


Net profit 
Number of employees 

Company details

Company code:306735351
Head office:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Establishment date and register:26 April 2024
Shareholders:UAB Ignitis renewables - 100 %
Authorised capital:1000 EUR

Contact information

Company governance


Lina Žibienė

Lina Žibienė

Bendrovės vadovė
Read more

Documents and Reports
