Related-party transactions

According to the Article 372 Paragraph 9 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, we inform you of a transaction between AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Company) and the relevant party.

It is notable that the Supervisory Board of the Company, taking into consideration the conclusion of the Audit Committee, makes a decision regarding the Company’s transactions planned to be made with an associated party if they are made under unusual market conditions and/or are not assigned to the Company’s usual business activities and/or has a material impact of the Company its finances, assets and liabilities i.e. the amount of these transactions is larger than 1/50 of the Company‘s authorised capital (except the transactions which are necessary to ensure the Company‘s main activities and the transactions which must be made according to the requirements of legislation).


20.02.2024 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Laivės ave. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 20th February 2024, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 220 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided Marketing management consulting services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

02.02.2024 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Laivės ave. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 31th January 2024, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 220 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided Public relations services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.


01.09.2023 transaction with UAB Transporto valdymas

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Transporto valdymas“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB “Transporto valdymas”, entity code 304766704, with its registered address Kirtimų g. 47, Vilnius, 02244 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 30th August 2023, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 110 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

27.07.2023 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB “Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras”, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.
Contract date and valueConcluded on 27th July 2023, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 499 900,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company and UAB “Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras” have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company is provided with public relations, advertising and marketing, event planning, media planning and monitoring services, as well as other related agency services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

03.05.2023 transaction with UAB Transporto valdymas

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Transporto valdymas“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB “Transporto valdymas”, entity code 304766704, with its registered address Kirtimų g. 47, 02244 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras .
Contract date and valueConcluded on 21th April 2023, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 43.154,16 without VAT.
Contract objectEletric car full rental services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

07.04.2023 transaction with UAB Ignitis

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionOn 7th April 2023 AB „Ignitis grupė“ and UAB „Ignitis“  concluded a  Framework Agreement on Grant of periodic loans with a limit of EUR 100 million for working capital funding. The agreement is concluded for a period of 12 months. It should be noted that this agreement confirms the maximum limit which will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

14.03.2023 transaction with UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė, entity code 303782367, with its registered address Jočionių g. 13, 02300 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
Contract date and valueOn 14th March 2023 AB „Ignitis grupė“ and UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė concluded a bipartite collateral services agreement, under which UAB Vilniaus kogeneracija jėgainė will reimburse the Company for the guarantee issued to AB Swedbank in accordance with the long-term loan agreement of EUR 220 million signed between UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinės jėgainė and AB Swedbank on 9 March 2023. Value of the contract amounts up to EUR 1.5 million without VAT.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

01.01.2023 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 1st January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 2300000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“ have entered into a bipartite service agreement, according to which the Company has been provided with IT services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.


20.12.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 20th December 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 179000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“ have entered into a bipartite service agreement, according to which the Company has been provided with IT services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

25.10.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
Contract date and valueOn 25th October 2022 the Framework Agreement on Grant of periodic loans for two year term was signed with UAB “Ignitis”. The agreement ensures UAB “Ignitis” needs for working capital funding up to EUR 280 million.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract complies with the arm's length principle.

10.10.2022 transaction with UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Parent Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija in liquidation (hereinafter - UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija)
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)Ignitis gamyba, AB, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės st. 21, LT-26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija, entity code 304132956, with its registered address Motorų g. 2, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų CentrasLegal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.
Contract date and valueConcluded on 10 October 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 42 000
Contract objectThe Parent Company and UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija have entered into an assignment agreement, according to which UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija transferred its claims to The Parent Company as returnable assets to the shareholder for its shares
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of agreements.

09.09.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe Guarantee Limit Agreement signed on 9 September 2022. The Agreement determines limit of parent company guarantees to be issued to ensure ongoing activity of UAB “Ignitis” and / or it’s subsidiaries up to EUR 280 million.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

09.09.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionFramework periodic loan agreement signed on 9 September 2022, amount of the loan up to EUR 50 million.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

17.08.2021 transaction with UAB „Ignitis“

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transaction

The Guarantee Limit Agreement signed on 28 April 2022, determined the limit of parent company guarantees to be issued to ensure ongoing activity of UAB “Ignitis” and / or it’s subsidiaries up to EUR 210 million.

On 17th August 2022 amendment to guarantee limit agreement was signed to increase the guarantee limit to EUR 280 million.

Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe amendment to the contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the amendement to the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

17.08.2022 transaction with UAB „Ignitis“

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe annex to the group's mutual borrowing and lending agreement concluded on 18 May 2016 was signed on 22 August 2022. This Annex sets a maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform until May 2023 starting on 17 August 2022 of EUR 280 million.Working capital borrowed through the group's mutual lending and lending platform is used only for short-term financing of activities. It should be noted that this transaction confirms the maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform, this maximum borrowing limit will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

22 06 2022 contract with UAB “Ignitis” regarding the annual energy savings

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionAB Ignitis grupė is the sole shareholder of UAB „Ignitis“.
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, entity code 303383884, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 22nd June 2022, value of the contract is not provided.
Contract objectUAB Ignitis has entered into an agreement with AB Ignitis grupė regarding the annual energy savings that will be generated by implementing energy efficiency measures (lighting modernization) for companies and institutions.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, AB Ignitis grupė and AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius (hereinafter - the Operator) on 2020 October 16 has entered into Energy Saving Agreement no. 50200/901794 (hereinafter - the Energy Saving Agreement), in which AB Ignitis grupė has the right to declare other AB Ignitis Group the energy savings achieved and / or acquired by the company belonging to the group of companies, if the Operator fails to save the amounts of energy savings specified in the schedule provided for in the Energy Saving Agreement.

14.06.2022 transaction with UAB „Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“.

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contractE.g. The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė, entity code 303782367, with its registered address Jočionių g. 13, 02300 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras;

AB Ignitis gamyba, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės g. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras

Contract date and valueConcluded on 14th June 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 990 209,24.
Contract objectThe Company, UAB “Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė” and AB „Ignitis gamyba“ have entered into a tripartite transfer and takeover of tax losses agreement.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

10.06.2022 transaction with UAB „VVP investment“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“.

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contractE.g. The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „VVP investment“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

UAB VVP investment, entity code 302661590, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, 04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras;

AB Ignitis gamyba, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės g. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras

Contract date and valueConcluded on 10th June 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 131 655,12.
Contract objectThe Company, UAB “VVP investment” and AB „Ignitis gamyba“ have entered into a tripartite transfer and takeover of tax losses agreement.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

10.06.2022 transaction with UAB „NT Valdos“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“.

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contractE.g. The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „NT Valdos“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

UAB NT Valdos, entity code 300634954, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, 04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras;

AB Ignitis gamyba, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės g. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras

Contract date and valueConcluded on 10th June 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 33 435,33.
Contract objectThe Company, UAB “NT Valdos” and AB „Ignitis gamyba“ have entered into a tripartite transfer and takeover of tax losses agreement.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

10.06.2021 transaction with AB „Ignitis gamyba“.

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contractE.g. The Company is the sole shareholder of AB „Ignitis gamyba“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)AB Ignitis gamyba, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės g. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 10th June 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 450 795,08
Contract objectThe Company and AB „Ignitis gamyba“ have entered into a bilateral transfer and takeover of tax losses agreement.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

08.06.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contractE.g. The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“..
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija, entity code 304132956, with its registered address Motorų g. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras;

AB Ignitis gamyba, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės g. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras

Contract date and valueConcluded on 8th June 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 100 058,23.
Contract objectThe Company, UAB “Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija” and AB „Ignitis gamyba“ have entered into a tripartite transfer and takeover of tax losses agreement.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

08.06.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis renewables ir AB Ignitis gamyba

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contractE.g. The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Ignitis Renewables“ and AB „Ignitis gamyba“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

UAB Ignitis renewables, entity code 304988904, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, 04215  Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras;

AB Ignitis gamyba, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės g. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras

Contract date and valueConcluded on 8th June 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 546 338,86.
Contract objectThe Company, UAB “Ignitis renewables” and AB „Ignitis gamyba“ have entered into a tripartite transfer and takeover of tax losses agreement.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

24.05.2022 transaction with UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė, entity code 303782367, with its registered address Jočionių g. 13, 02300 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe annex to the group's mutual borrowing and lending agreement concluded on 18 May 2016 was signed on 24 May 2022. This Annex sets a maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform for a period of one calendar year starting on 25 May 2022 of EUR 70 million. Working capital borrowed through the group's mutual lending and lending platform is used only for short-term financing of activities. It should be noted that this transaction confirms the maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform, this maximum borrowing limit will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

24.05.2022 transaction with AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Parent Company is the sole shareholder of AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“, legal entity code 304151376, registered at Laisvės ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe annex to the group's mutual borrowing and lending agreement concluded on 18 May 2016 was signed on 24 May 2022. This Annex sets a maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform for a period of one calendar year starting on 25 May 2022 of EUR 110 million. Working capital borrowed through the group's mutual lending and lending platform is used only for short-term financing of activities. It should be noted that this transaction confirms the maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform, this maximum borrowing limit will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

24.05.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis renewables

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis renewables
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis renewables, legal entity code 304988904, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe annex to the group's mutual borrowing and lending agreement concluded on 19 March 2019 was signed on 24 May 2022. This Annex sets a maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform for a period of one calendar year starting on 25 May 2022 of EUR 5 million.Working capital borrowed through the group's mutual lending and lending platform is used only for short-term financing of activities. It should be noted that this transaction confirms the maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform, this maximum borrowing limit will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

23.05.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe annex to the group's mutual borrowing and lending agreement concluded on 18 May 2016 was signed on 23 May 2022. This Annex sets a maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform for a period of one calendar year starting on 25 May 2022 of EUR 200 million. Working capital borrowed through the group's mutual lending and lending platform is used only for short-term financing of activities. It should be noted that this transaction confirms the maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform, this maximum borrowing limit will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

13.05.2022 transaction with AB Ignitis gamyba

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of AB Ignitis gamyba
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)AB Ignitis gamyba, legal entity code 302648707, registration address Elektrinės str. 21, LT-26108 Elektrėnai, correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe annex to the group's mutual borrowing and lending agreement concluded on 18 May 2016 was signed on 13 May 2022. This Annex sets a maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform for a period of one calendar year starting on 13 May 2022 of EUR 200 million. Working capital borrowed through the group's mutual lending and lending platform is used only for short-term financing of activities. It should be noted that this transaction confirms the maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform, this maximum borrowing limit will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

13.05.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionThe annex to the group's mutual borrowing and lending agreement concluded on 8 July 2016 was signed on 13 May 2022. This Annex sets a maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform for a period of one calendar year starting on 13 May 2022 of EUR 12 million. Working capital borrowed through the group's mutual lending and lending platform is used only for short-term financing of activities. It should be noted that this transaction confirms the maximum borrowing limit on the group's mutual borrowing and lending platform, this maximum borrowing limit will not necessarily be used in full.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe transaction is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

26.04.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe Guarantee Limit Agreement signed on 28 April 2022. The Agreement determines limit of parent company guarantees to be issued to ensure ongoing activity of UAB “Ignitis” and / or it’s subsidiaries up to EUR 210 million.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is designed to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle.

20.04.2022 transaction with AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Parent Company is the sole shareholder of AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“, legal entity code 304151376, registered at Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionFramework periodic loan agreement signed on 20 April 2022. The maximum amount of the loan is EUR 120 million. The purpose of the loan – investments in fixed assets and working capital needs.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “arm's length” principle.

28.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 28 February 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 214 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided business resilience services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

07.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 7 February 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 214 000,00 without VAT. The Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided asset management services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

07.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided personnel administration services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

07.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 7 February 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 214 000,00 without VAT. The Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided accounting administration services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

04.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 2 February 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 350 000,00 without VAT. The Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided legal services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

02.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 2 February 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 203 500,00 without VAT. The Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided public relations services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

02.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 2 February 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 214 000,00 without VAT. The Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided marketing management consultancy services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

02.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 2 February 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 900,00 without VAT. The Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided procurement organisation and execution services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

01.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 31 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 214 000,00 without VAT. The Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided business efficiency services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

01.02.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Renewables

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis renewables
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis renewables, legal entity code 304988904, registration and correspondence address Laisvės Ave. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
The date and value of the transactionThe amendment of the Framework periodic loan agreement (signed on 2 February 2021) dated 1 February 2022. The amendment reduces the maximum loan amount to EUR 260 million from EUR 293 million.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe Audit Committee of the Company on 17 January 2022 provided an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the amendment of the Framework Agreement on Grant of Periodic Loans planned to be concluded with UAB “Ignitis renewables” would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

01.02.2022 transaction with Altiplano Elektrownie Wiatrowe B1 Sp. z o.o.

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company indirectly (via UAB Ignitis renewables) controls 100% of the Altiplano Elektrownie Wiatrowe B1 Sp. z o.o.  shares.
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)Altiplano Elektrownie Wiatrowe B1 Sp. z o.o., limited liability company, 0000531275, Abrahama str. 1A, Gdansk 80-307, Poland, the National Court Register of Poland.
The date and value of the transactionDate of signing - 1 February 2022, the guarantee amount is of up to EUR 50.211m, annual payment for guarantee service is up to EUR 246 thousand.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe Audit Committee of the Company on 23 December 2021 provided an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the Guarantee Services Agreement planned to be concluded with Altiplano Elektrownie Wiatrowe B1 Sp. z o.o. would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

31.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 31 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 600 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided human education services services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

27.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 27 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 900,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided information technology and telecommunications infrastructure services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

27.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 27 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 900,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided project management services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

25.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 25 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 88 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided accounting administration services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

25.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 25 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 900,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided transport management services services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

24.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 24th January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213900,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Companyand UAB Ignitis Grupes Paslaugu Centras have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company will be provided with transport management services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

24.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 24 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 900,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided sustainability services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

21.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 21 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 43 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided marketing management consultancy services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

21.01.2022 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 21 January 2022, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 900,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided document management and office administration services.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

17.01.2022 opinion of Ignitis Group Audit Committee on an agreement planned to be concluded with a related party: UAB “Ignitis renewables”

Amendment to Framework Agreement on Grant of Periodic Loans with UAB “Ignitis renewables”

Taking into account the information, assumptions and arguments provided to AB "Ignitis grupė" Audit Committee, of which the most important is that the interest rate stipulated in the amendment of the Framework Agreement on Grant of Periodic Loans complies with the arm’s length principle as it was calculated on the basis of a methodology developed by independent consultants, the Audit Committee provides an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the amendment of the Framework Agreement on Grant of Periodic Loans planned to be concluded with UAB “Ignitis renewables” would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.


31.12.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis renewables

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole  shareholder of UAB Ignitis Renewables
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Renewables, entity code 304988904, registered address at Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers
The date and value of the transaction

The agreement is concluded on 31 December 2021.

The agreement provides the compensation details of expenses related to employees transfer (holidays savings, variable remuneration part); therefore, the agreement is not valued in terms of profit. Precise compensation amount will be clear only after their actual payment (tentatively – in February and May of 2022).

Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe agreement is concluded in accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The agreement protects the interests of the employees; thus, there is no reason to state that it is unfair or ungrounded in respect of Company‘s shareholders.

28.12.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras and UAB Ignitis renewables

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole  shareholder of UAB Ignitis Renewables and one of shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, registered address at Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers

UAB Ignitis Renewables, entity code 304988904, registered address at Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers

Contract date and valueThe agreement is concluded on 28 December 2021. The agreement provides the compensation details of expenses related to employees transfer (holidays savings, variable remuneration part); therefore, the agreement is not valued in terms of profit. Precise compensation amount will be clear only after their actual payment (tentatively – in February and May of 2022).
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe agreement is concluded in accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The agreement protects the interests of the employees; thus, there is no reason to state that it is unfair or ungrounded in respect of Company‘s shareholders.

23.12.2021 opinion of Ignitis Group Audit Committee on an agreement planned to be concluded with a related party: Altiplano Elektrownie Wiatrowe B1 Sp. z o.o.

Guarantee Services Agreement with Altiplano Elektrownie Wiatrowe B1 Sp. z o.o.

Taking into account the information, assumptions and arguments provided to the Audit Committee, of which the most important is that the service fee stipulated in the Guarantee Services Agreement complies with the arm’s length principle as it was calculated on the basis of a methodology developed by independent consultants, the Audit Committee provides an opinion to AB “Ignitis grupė” that there is no reason to believe that the Guarantee Services Agreement planned to be concluded with Altiplano Elektrownie Wiatrowe B1 Sp. z o.o. would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

14.12.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, registered address at Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers
Date and value of the transaction

The agreement is concluded on 14 December 2021.

The agreement provides the compensation details of expenses related to employees transfer (holidays savings, variable remuneration part); therefore, the agreement is not valued in terms of profit. Precise compensation amount will be clear only after their actual payment (tentatively – in February and May of 2022).

Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe agreement is concluded in accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The agreement protects the interests of the employees; thus, there is no reason to state that it is unfair or ungrounded in respect of Company‘s shareholders.

16.12.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Renewables

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB “Ignitis renewables“.
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)UAB “Ignitis renewables“, legal entity code 304988904, registration and correspondence address Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, acting general manager Laurynas Jocys.
Date and value of the transactionThe Share Subscription Agreement concluded on 16 December 2021, value of the transaction is EUR 9,455,000.
Subject of agreementUAB “Ignitis renewables” increased its authorized capital by issuing new shares, which the Company acquired by signing the Share Subscription Agreement. The Company paid for the newly issued shares by non-monetary contribution - 100 percent of the shares of Tuuleenergia Osaühing.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe Audit Committee of the Company on 12 November 2021 provided an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the planned transaction – transferring Tuuleenergia share as a non-monetary contribution in order to increase the authorised capital of UAB “Ignitis renewables”, would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to the Group’s shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

12.11.2021 opinion of Ignitis Group Audit Committee on an agreement planned to be concluded with a related party: UAB “Ignitis renewables”

Transfer of Tuuleenergia Osaϋhing share to UAB “Ignitis renewables”

Taking into account the information provided to AB “Ignitis grupė” Audit Committee that the transaction value complies with the arm’s length principle as the market value of Tuuleenergia Osaϋhing share price was determined based on the asset valuation performed by an independent asset valuation expert, the Audit Committee provides an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the planned transaction – transferring Tuuleenergia Osaϋhing share as non-monetary contribution in order to increase the authorised capital of UAB “Ignitis renewables”, would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction. 

23.11.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)UAB „Ignitis“, legal entity code 303383884, registration and correspondence address Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manager Artūras Bortkevičius.
Date and value of the transactionFramework periodic loan agreement signed on 23 November 2021, amount of the loan up to EUR 300 million.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe Audit Committee of the Company on 12 November 2021 provided an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the transaction – the Framework periodic loan agreement, planned to be concluded with UAB Ignitis, would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB Ignitis grupė shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

16.11.2021 transaction with UAB NT Valdos

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Parent Company is the sole shareholder of NT Valdos, UAB
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)NT Valdos, UAB, entity code 300634954, with its registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Date and value of the transactionConcluded on 16 November 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 477,81 without VAT.
Subject of agreementThe Parent Company and NT Valdos, UAB have entered into an assignment agreement, according to which NT Valdos, UAB transferred its claims to The Parent Company
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

12.11.2021 opinion of Ignitis Group Audit Committee on an agreement planned to be concluded with the related party: UAB “Ignitis”

Framework Agreement on Grant of Periodic Loans with UAB “Ignitis”

Taking into account the information, assumptions and arguments provided to AB "Ignitis grupė" Audit Committee, of which the most important is that the interest rate stipulated in the Framework Agreement on Grant of Periodic Loans complies with the arm’s length principle as it was calculated on the basis of a methodology developed by independent consultants, the Audit Committee provides an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the Framework Agreement on Grant of Periodic Loans planned to be concluded with UAB “Ignitis” would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

22.09.2021 transaction with UAB Elektroninių mokėjimų agentūra

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the only shareholder of UAB Elektroninių mokėjimų agentūra.
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)UAB „Elektroninių mokėjimų agentūra“, legal entity code 136031358, registered at Žvejų str. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manager Gabrielė Lubytė.
Date and value of the transaction

The agreement (sublease agreement) is concluded on 22 September 2021, based on Non-residential Premises and a Parking Lot Lease Agreement (here and after – Agreement), dated 2020-11-12, more info:  

On the day of signing the Agreement, the rent for the subleased premises (including common areas and territory maintenance and operation costs) is estimated at 898 EUR /month; the rent of the parking lot is 100 Eur / month; utility fee is 176 Eur / month.

The share of the sub-tenant's rent is recalculated at the end of each calendar quarter:

- The rent for the subleased premises is calculated by dividing the rent paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

- The utility fee is calculated by dividing the actual utility fee paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

The sublease term is 10 years.

Subject of agreementThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

22.09.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the only shareholder of UAB “Ignitis“.
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)UAB „Ignitis“, legal entity code 303383884, registered at P Žvejų g. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manager Artūras Bortkevičius.
Date and value of the transaction

The agreement (sublease agreement) is concluded on 22 September 2021, based on Non-residential Premises and a Parking Lot Lease Agreement (here and after – Agreement), dated 2020-11-12, more info:

On the day of signing the Agreement, the rent for the subleased premises (including common areas and territory maintenance and operation costs) is estimated at 29,742 EUR /month; the rent of the parking lot is 850 Eur / month; utility fee is 5,843 Eur / month.

The share of the sub-tenant's rent is recalculated at the end of each calendar quarter:

- The rent for the subleased premises is calculated by dividing the rent paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

-The utility fee is calculated by dividing the actual utility fee paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises. The sublease term is 10 years.

Subject of agreementThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

22.09.2021 transaction with AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the only shareholder of AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius.
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“, legal entity code 304151376, registered at Aguonų g. 24, 03212 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manger Mindaugas Keizeris.
Date and value of the transaction

The agreement (sublease agreement) is concluded on 22 September 2021, based on Non-residential Premises and a Parking Lot Lease Agreement (here and after – Agreement), dated 2020-11-12, more info

On the day of signing the Agreement, the rent for the subleased premises (including common areas and territory maintenance and operation costs) is estimated at 55,670 EUR /month; the rent of the parking lot is 2,350 Eur / month; utility fee is 10 442 Eur / month.

The share of the sub-tenant's rent is recalculated at the end of each calendar quarter:

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

- The utility fee is calculated by dividing the actual utility fee paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

The sublease term is 10 years.

Subject of agreementThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

22.09.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis gamyba

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the main shareholder of AB “Ignitis gamyba“.
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)AB „Ignitis gamyba“, legal entity code 302648707, registered at Elektrinės str. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manager Rimgaudas Kalvaitis, correspondence address Žvejų str. 14, 09310 Vilnius.
Date and value of the transaction

The agreement (sublease agreement) is concluded on 22 September 2021, based on Non-residential Premises and a Parking Lot Lease Agreement (here and after – Agreement), dated 2020-11-12, more info:

On the day of signing the Agreement, the rent for the subleased premises (including common areas and territory maintenance and operation costs) is estimated at 898 EUR /month; the rent of the parking lot is 150 Eur / month; utility fee is 176 Eur / month.

The share of the sub-tenant's rent is recalculated at the end of each calendar quarter:

- The rent for the subleased premises is calculated by dividing the rent paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

-The utility fee is calculated by dividing the actual utility fee paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises. The sublease term is 10 years.

Subject of agreementThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

22.09.2021 transaction with UAB Gamybos optimizavimas

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the only shareholder of UAB “Gamybos optimizavimas“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB „Gamybos optimizavimas“, legal entity code 304972024, registered at Žvejų str. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manager Tomas Tumonis.
Contract date and value

The agreement (sublease agreement) is concluded on 22 September 2021, based on Non-residential Premises and a Parking Lot Lease Agreement (here and after – Agreement), dated 2020-11-12, more info:

On the day of signing the Agreement, the rent for the subleased premises (including common areas and territory maintenance and operation costs) is estimated at 1,058 EUR /month; the rent of the parking lot is 100 Eur / month; utility fee is 208 Eur / month.

The share of the sub-tenant's rent is recalculated at the end of each calendar quarter:

- The rent for the subleased premises is calculated by dividing the rent paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

- The utility fee is calculated by dividing the actual utility fee paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

The sublease term is 10 years.

Subject of agreementThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

2021 09 21 sandoris su UAB „Ignitis renewables“

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the only shareholder of UAB “Ignitis renewables“.
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)UAB „Ignitis renewables“, legal entity code 304988904, registered at P. Lukšio str. 5b Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manager Aleksandr Spiridonov, correspondence address Žvejų str. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lietuva.
Date and value of the transaction

The agreement (sublease agreement) is concluded on 21 September 2021, based on Non-residential Premises and a Parking Lot Lease Agreement (here and after – Agreement), dated 2020-11-12, more info:

On the day of signing the Agreement, the rent for the subleased premises (including common areas and territory maintenance and operation costs) is estimated at 1,956 EUR /month; the rent of the parking lot is 200 Eur / month; utility fee is 384 Eur / month.

The share of the sub-tenant's rent is recalculated at the end of each calendar quarter:

- The rent for the subleased premises is calculated by dividing the rent paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

- The utility fee is calculated by dividing the actual utility fee paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises. The sublease term is 10 years.

Subject of agreementThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

21.09.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras

The relation of the Company to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the only shareholder of UAB “Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“.
Data of the related party (name of the legal entity, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname of person, correspondence address)UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras “, legal entity code 303200016, registered at A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lithuania, data about the Company is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, general manager Irma Kaukienė.
Date and value of the transaction

The agreement (sublease agreement) is concluded on 21 September 2021, based on Non-residential Premises and a Parking Lot Lease Agreement (here and after – Agreement), dated 2020-11-12, more info:

On the day of signing the Agreement, the rent for the subleased premises (including common areas and territory maintenance and operation costs) is estimated at 60,094 EUR /month; the rent of the parking lot is 712 Eur / month; utility fee is 11,806 Eur / month.

The share of the sub-tenant's rent is recalculated at the end of each calendar quarter:

- The rent for the subleased premises is calculated by dividing the rent paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises.

- The fee for subleased parking lots is calculated by dividing the rental fee for parking lots provided under in the Agreement in proportion, i.e. recording the total number of parking lots for rented cars and the number of official cars assigned to the Sublessee.

- The utility fee is calculated by dividing the actual utility fee paid under the Agreement by the number of employees in proportion, i.e. recording the total actual number of employees of the Company's group companies and the actual number of employees of the Sublessee working in the subleased premises. The sublease term is 10 years.

Subject of agreementThe Company and the Sublessee have concluded Non-residential premises and a parking lot sublease agreement (Laisvės ave. 10, Vilnius), according to which the Company transfers the subleased premises and subleased car parking lots to the Sublessee to use on the bases of sublease.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not parties of the transactionThe agreement is attributed to the ordinary economic activity of the Company, considering that the lease of premises is a standard necessary service for all companies of the AB Ignitis grupė, enabling the group companies to be able to conduct their normal activities. The contract is concluded on market terms, the pricing of the contract is prepared ensuring compliance with the “open book” principle.

06.09.2021 transaction with UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB “Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija” (legal status of the entity – in liquidation), entity code 304132956, with its registered address Motorų g. 2, LT-02190 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 6th of September 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 82 128,70 without VAT.
Contract object:The Company, UAB “Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija” and Litgrid AB have entered into a tripartite bank guarantee re-issuance agreement, according to which the Company will issue bank guarantee to Litgrid AB.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

06.09.2021 transaction with UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija“.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB “Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija” (legal status of the entity – in liquidation), entity code 304132956, with its registered address Motorų g. 2, LT-02190 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 6th of September 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 286 994,90 without VAT.
Contract object:The Company, UAB “Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija” and Litgrid AB have entered into a tripartite bank guarantee re-issuance agreement, according to which the Company will issue bank guarantee to Litgrid AB..
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

20.08.2021 transaction with UAB Energijos skirstymo operatorius

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius, entity code 304151376, with its registered address Aguonų g. 24, 03212 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.
Contract date and valueConcluded on 20th August 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 8050,00 without VAT.
Contract object:The Company and AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius have entered into a purchase agreement, according to which the Company has been provided with ownership rights of Pažangios energijos klubo website.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

21.07.2021 transaction with UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė, entity code 303782367, with its registered address Jočionių g. 13, 02300 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Lithuania, administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers (SECR); contact person Dainius Normantas, [email protected]
Contract date and valueConcluded on 16 July 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 170,000.00 without VAT.
Contract object:The Company AB “Ignitis Grupė” and UAB „Vilniaus kogeneracinė jėgainė “ signed a services contract according to which the Company provides managing (parent) company services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

Opinion of Ignitis Group Audit Committee on the intention to conclude the agreement with the related party – UAB “Ignitis”, 20 May 2021

Guarantee Service Agreement with UAB “Ignitis”

Taking into account the information, assumptions and arguments provided to the Audit Committee, of which the most important is that the service fee stipulated in the Guarantee Service Agreement complies with the arm’s length principle as it was set based on the best offer of commercial banks for comparable services, the Audit Committee provides an opinion to AB “Ignitis grupė” that there is no reason to believe that the Guarantee Service Agreement planned to be concluded with UAB “Ignitis” would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

02.07.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
Contract date and valueConcluded on 2 July 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 200 000,00 without VAT.
Contract objectThe Company, AB „Ignitis grupė“ ir UAB „Ignitis grupės paslaugų centras“  have entered into a service agreement, according to which the Company are provided business security services.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

29.06.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Company is one of shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, registered address at A. Juozapavičiaus g. 13, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers.
Contract date and value

The agreement is concluded on 29 June 2021.

The agreement provides the compensation details of expenses related to employees transfer (holidays savings, variable remuneration part); therefore, the agreement is not valued in terms of profit. Precise compensation amount will be clear only after their actual payment (in May of 2022).

Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe agreement is concluded in accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The agreement protects the interests of the employees; thus, there is no reason to state that it is unfair or ungrounded in respect of the Company’s shareholders.

04 06 2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Renewables

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Parent Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Ignitis renewables“ and owns 99.91% of AB Ignitis Gamyba shares.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)UAB Ignitis renewables, entity code 304988904, with its registered address Žvejų st. 14, 09310, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.

Ignitis gamyba, AB, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės st. 21, LT-26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.
Contract date and valueConcluded on 4th June 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 373 703,47.
Contract objectThe Parent Company, UAB Ignitis renewables and Ignitis gamyba, AB have entered into a tripartite agreement on Transfer and Acceptance of Tax Losses
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of agreements.

28.05.2021 transaction with UAB NT Valdos

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Parent Company is the sole shareholder of NT Valdos, UAB and owns 99.91% of Ignitis Gamyba, AB shares.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

NT Valdos, UAB, entity code 300634954, with its registered address Lukšio st. 5B, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.

Ignitis gamyba, AB, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės st. 21, LT-26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.

Contract date and valueConcluded on 28th May 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 3 271,21.
Contract objectThe Parent Company, NT Valdos, UAB and Ignitis gamyba, AB have entered into a tripartite agreement on Transfer and Acceptance of Tax Losses.
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of agreements.

28.05.2021 transaction with AB Ignitis Gamyba

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Parent Company owns 99.91% of AB Ignitis Gamyba shares.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)Ignitis gamyba, AB, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės st. 21, LT-26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.
Contract date and valueConcluded on 28th May 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 490 586,13..
Contract objectThe Parent Company and Ignitis gamyba, AB have entered into a agreement on Transfer and Acceptance of Tax Losses
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of agreements.

28.05.2021 transaction with UAB Energetikos Paslaugų ir Rangos Organizacija

How is the Parent Company related to the other party of the contract
The Parent Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija“ and owns 99.91% of AB Ignitis Gamyba shares.
Related party information (legal entity name, legal form, code, head office, registry where the information about the entity is aggregated and kept; name, surname of the natural person, address for correspondence)

UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija, entity code 304132956, with its registered address Motorų st. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.

Ignitis gamyba, AB, entity code 302648707, with its registered address Elektrinės st. 21, LT-26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras.

Contract date and valueConcluded on 28th May 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 140 564,90.
Contract objectThe Parent Company, UAB Energetikos paslaugų ir rangos organizacija and Ignitis gamyba, AB have entered into a tripartite agreement on Transfer and Acceptance of Tax Losses
Other information, when assesing if the contract is fair and reasonable in respect of the public company and its shareholders, who are not the parties of the contractThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of agreements.

03.05.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 3 May 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 46 800,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

22.04.2021 transaction with UAB VVP Investment

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company indirectly (via UAB "Ignitis renewables") controls 100% of the UAB „VVP Investment“ (hereinafter - VVP) shares
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB „VVP Investment“, entity code 302661590, with its registered address Žvejų g. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionDate of signing - 22 April 2021, the guarantee amount is of up to EUR 55.097m, annual payment for guarantee service is up to EUR 193 thousand.
Contract objectThe Company and UAB „VVP Investment“ have entered into a guarantee service agreement, which will ensure that VVP payment to the Company for the issued Guarantee by the Company to Nordex Lithuania GmbH benefiting VVP complies with market conditions.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of the Company on 23 February 2021 provided an opinion that taking into account the information, assumptions and arguments provided to the Audit Committee, there is no reason to believe that the Guarantee Service Agreement planned to be concluded with UAB “VVP Investment” would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB “Ignitis grupė” shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

31.03.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 31 March 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

25.02.2021 transaction with AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius and with UAB NT Valdos

How is the Company related to the other party of the transaction

The Company is one of the shareholders of AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius

The Company owns 100% of shares of NT Valdos, UAB

Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)

AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius, company code 304151376, registered address Aguonų g. 24, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras

NT Valdos, UAB, company code 300634954, registered address P. Lukšio g. 5B, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras

The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 25 February 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 289,62 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transaction

The conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

A trilateral agreement regarding proper fulfilment of mutual obligations was concluded Under the terms of the agreement AB Energijos skirstymo operatorius took an obligation to pay an amount of EUR 289,62 to NT Valdos, UAB as an equivalent of non-monetary contribution for 10 shares of NT Valdos, UAB which were transferred to the Company.

03.02.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Renewables

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis renewables
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis renewables, entity code 304988904, with its registered address Žvejų g. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionPeriodic loan agreement signed on 1 December 2020, amount of the loan up to EUR 83 million.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of the Company on 19 November 2020 provided an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the transaction - the Periodic loan agreement, planned to be concluded with UAB Ignitis Renewables, would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB Ignitis grupė shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

03.02.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Renewables

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB Ignitis renewables
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis renewables, entity code 304988904, with its registered address Žvejų g. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionFramework periodic loan agreement signed on 2 February 2021, amount of the loan up to EUR 293 million.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of the Company on 21 January 2021 provided an opinion that there is no reason to believe that the transaction – the Framework periodic loan agreement, planned to be concluded with UAB Ignitis Renewables, would be concluded on non-market terms or would be unfair and unreasonable with respect to AB Ignitis grupė shareholders who are not parties to this transaction.

27.01.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 27 January 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 200 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

26.01.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 26 January 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

07.01.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Renewables

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB „Ignitis Renewables“.
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis renewables, entity code 304988904, with its registered address Žvejų g. 14, 09310 Vilnius, Lithuania, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 7nd January 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 2500,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

04.01.2021 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 4 January 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

04.01.2021 transaction with UAB Transporto Valdymas

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of Transporto valdymas UAB
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)Transporto valdymas UAB, entity code 304766704, with its registered address Kirtimų g. 47, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 4 January 2021, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 14 050,80 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.


03.11.2020 transaction with Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o.o

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company indirectly (via UAB "Ignitis renewables" controls 100% of the Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o. o (hereinafter - Pomerania) shares.
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)Pomerania Wind Farm sp. z o. o, limited liability company, 0000450928, Al. Grunwaldzka 82/368, 80-244 Gdańsk, the National Court Register of Poland.
The date and value of the transactionDate of signing - 03 November 2020, the guarantee amount of up to PLN 150m (EUR 33m), guaranteed annual payment of PLN 600,000 (EUR 132,000).
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transaction

The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of the Company on 22 October 2020 provided an opinion that there is no basis for concern regarding the anticipated transaction – meaning that the agreement of guarantee services with Pomerania would be conducted according to the market conditions, fairly and based on the merit of the Shareholders of the Company who are not the relevant parties of the transaction, and in accordance with assumptions and arguments provided by the Company: 1. The amount of the guarantee payment is within the arm’s length interval calculated by the comparable uncontrolled price method; 2. The conclusion of the guarantee agreement is beneficial to the Group of Companies because it will create conditions for the Company to make a profit (and to save Group-wide) of up to EUR 134,000.00* (one hundred thirty four thousand euros) per year.

*the amount is liable to fluctuation due to the exchange rate of EUR/PLN.

10.11.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras; contact person Simona Augėnaitė, [email protected]
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 4 November 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 745,000.00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

18.11.2020 transaction with Tuuleenergia OU

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of Tuuleenergia Osaühing
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)Tuuleenergia Osaühing, entity code 10470014, with its registered address Keskus, Helmküla küla, Lääneranna vald, Pärnu maakond, 88208, Estonia, its data being collected in the Commercial Register of Estonia, administered by the state agency Estonian Centre of Registers and Information Systems (RIK);
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 18 November 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 74,440.00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

22.12.2020 transaction with UAB Transporto valdymas

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is the sole shareholder of UAB “Transporto valdymas”
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB „Transporto valdymas“, entity code 304766704, with its registered address Kirtimų g. 47, Vilnius, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų centras.
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 22 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 30,025.00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

23.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of  shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, registered address at A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lithuania, its data is collected and stored by the Register of Legal Entities administered by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers
The date and value of the transaction

The agreement is concluded on 23 December 2020.

The agreement provides the compensation details of expenses related to employees transfer (holidays savings, variable remuneration part); therefore, the agreement is not valued in terms of profit. Precise compensation amount will be clear only after their actual payment (in February and May of 2020).

Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe agreement is concluded in accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The agreement protects the interests of the employees; thus, there is no reason to state that it is unfair or ungrounded in respect of Company‘s shareholders.

28.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 28 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 23 900,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

28.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 28 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 50 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

28.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 28 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 57 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

29.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 29 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 250 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

29.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 29 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 210 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

30.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 30 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 3 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

30.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 30 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 113 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

30.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 30 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

30.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 30 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 213 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.

30.12.2020 transaction with UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras

How is the Company related to the other party of the transactionThe Company is one of the shareholders of UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras
Data of the relevant party (legal name, legal form, code, registered office, register wherein the data of the entity is collected and stored; full name and surname, correspondence address)UAB Ignitis Grupės Paslaugų Centras, entity code 303200016, with its registered address A. Juozapavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva, its data being collected in the Register of Legal Entities, administered by the state enterprise Registrų Centras
The date and value of the transactionConcluded on 30 December 2020, value of the contract amounts up to EUR 48 000,00 without VAT.
Other information, considering the integrity of the transaction and its merit to the Company and its Shareholders who are not the parties of the transactionThe conditions of the contract are standard compared to the conditions of such type of service agreements.