Company details

Company code:40103642991
VAT identification number:LV40103642991
Head office:Gustava Zemgala gatve 74A, Riga, LV-1039, Latvia
Correspondence address:Gustava Zemgala gatve 74A, Riga, LV-1039, Latvia
Establishment date and register:2013 m. vasario 23 d., Latvijos Respublikos nacionalinis įmonių registras
Bank account:LV98UNLA0055000752219
Bank:"SEB banka"
Shareholders:Ignitis UAB – 100%
Share capital:EUR 11,500,000

Contact information

Company governance

Ignitis Latvija takes care of electricity and gas supply. The company is a part of Ignitis UAB.

Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

Veiklos rezultatai 2023 metais
Performance, EURm




Adjusted EBITDA


Net profit










Number of employees


Company details

Company code:40103642991
VAT identification number:LV40103642991
Head office:Gustava Zemgala gatve 74A, Riga, LV-1039, Latvia
Correspondence address:Gustava Zemgala gatve 74A, Riga, LV-1039, Latvia
Establishment date and register:2013 m. vasario 23 d., Latvijos Respublikos nacionalinis įmonių registras
Bank account:LV98UNLA0055000752219
Bank:"SEB banka"
Shareholders:Ignitis UAB – 100%
Share capital:EUR 11,500,000

Contact information

Company governance


Kristaps Muzikants

Kristaps Muzikants

CEO, Board Member

Kristaps Muzikants has been the CEO and a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Latvia since 24 October 2019... 

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The Board

Kristaps Muzikants

Kristaps Muzikants

CEO, Board Member

Kristaps Muzikants has been the CEO and a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Latvia since 24 October 2019... 

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Supervisory Board

Artūras Bortkevičius

Artūras Bortkevičius

Chair of the Supervisory Board

Artūras Bortkevičius is a Management Board Chair and CEO at Ignitis.

In recent years, Artūras Bortkevičius has held the position of Chief Financial Officer of the international pharmaceutical company Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic States...

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Andrius Kavaliauskas

Andrius Kavaliauskas

Supervisory Board Member

Andrius Kavaliauskas has been a Member of the Supervisory Board since 8 June 2022. He is also Member of the Management Board and Chief Private Customers Officer at Ignitis since 3 December 2018.

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Darius Šimkus

Darius Šimkus

Supervisory Board Member

Darius Šimkus has been a Member of the Supervisory Board since 8 June 2022...

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