Executive summary

To deliver on our strategy, we plan to invest EUR 3.0–4.0 billion over the 2024–2027 period with over 85–90% of the investments to be aligned with the EU Taxonomy.

We plan to direct EUR 1.8–2.4 billion (around 61% of the Investments) to further develop green generation and green flexibility technologies and double the installed Green Capacities. More than half of the Green Capacities Investments over the 2024–2027 period relate to new Installed Green Capacities additions after 2027.

We are planning to direct EUR 1.1–1.3 billion or one third of our Investments towards the expansion of a resilient and efficient electricity distribution network, which is one of key elements of a successful energy transition.

We are expecting the Group’s Adjusted EBITDA in 2027 to be within the range of EUR 550–650 million compared to EUR 484.7 million in 2023. The average Adjusted ROCE is projected to reach 6.5–7.5% in 2024–2027. 
We expect to maintain our credit rating of ‘BBB’ and above over the 2024–2027 period. We will continue our investment programme while maintaining net debt to EBITDA below 5 times.

We are committed to a at least 3% annual dividend growth, representing a 7.3–8.0% implied dividend yield in the 2024–2027 period.  


We are driving the investments up to reach our long-term goal of 45 GW Green Capacities installed by 2030 and further exploiting the opportunities for green energy expansion, while accelerating the energy transition and electrification in the Baltics and Poland.

Our growth ambitions are backed by our extensive Green Capacities portfolio. We are expanding our networks as they are the key component to a successful energy transition.

Darius Maikštėnas

CEO, Ignitis Group


The majority of our investments will be directed towards the build-out of the Green Capacities. This will double our installed capacity by 2027. One third of our investments will go towards strengthening and expanding our networks. This will boost their resilience and enable the electrification of other sectors.

Financial discipline is at our core. We are committed to a at least 3% annual dividend growth, representing a 8.0% implied dividend yield in 2027.

Jonas Rimavičius

CFO, Ignitis Group

Our targets

Strategic ambitions and financial guidance

Green generation and green flexibility capacity installed:
- 20272.4–2.6 GW
- 20304.0–5.0 GW

Adjusted EBITDA, 2027550–650 EURm
- of which a sustainable share1, 2027≥70–75%

Average ROCE, 2024–20276.5–7.5%

Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA, 2024–2027< 5x

Solid investment–grade rating (S&P), 2024–2027BBB or above

Dividend policyminimum 3% annual growth rate

- Minimum DPS2, 2027≥1.45 EUR
- Dividend yield2, 2024–20277.3–8.0%

GHG emissions reduction: 
- 2027: carbon intensity of scope 1, 2 GHG emissions
(reducing by 20–40% vs 2023)
215–289g CO₂-eq/kWh
- 2040–2050: aligning with 1.5 °C scenario alongsideNet Zero


1Sustainable Adjusted EBITDA is the share of Adjusted EBITDA related to Taxonomy-aligned activities in total Adjusted EBITDA. The ratio is calculated using the Group's own methodology as it's not based of the EU Commission Delegated Regulation 2021/2178.
2Minimum dividend per share is calculated based on the No. of shares (72,388,960 ordinary shares). Implied dividend yield (annual) over the 2024–2027 period is calculated based on Ignitis Group’s share price: 18.14 €/sh (closing price as of 25th April 2024).

Our strategic performance KPIs

Total Investments, 2024–20273.0–4.0 EURbn
- of which share of Investments aligned
with the EU Taxonomy3, 2024–2027

Green Capacities: electricity generated (net),
excl. Kruonis PSHP, 2027
~3.0–4.0 TWh

Electricity SAIFI: 2024–2027 average (per annum)≤1.05

Electricity Supply Portfolio, 2027~9.0–11.0 TWh

Average availability of Reserve Capacities, 2024–2027>98%

Safety at work, 2024–2027:
- Fatal accidents of own employees and contractors0
- Total recordable injury rate(TRIR)
and TRIR of own employees and contractors
≤1.5 and ≤2.7

Engaged employees, diverse and inclusive workplace:
- Employee Net promoter score (eNPS), 2024–2027≥50

Diversity in top management: 
- Share of women in top management, 2027~30%


3Share of Investments to be directed to the maintenance or expansion of the EU Taxonomy-aligned activities. There are differences in methodologies used to calculate Investments and actual Taxonomy CAPEX KPI.

Integrated annual report 2023

Integrated annual report 2023

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