Company details

Company code:302648707
VAT identification number:LT100006256115
Head office:Elektrinės str. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania
Correspondence address:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania
Establishment date and register:28 August 2008, Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities
Bank account:LT40 7044 0600 0020 3369
Bank:AB SEB bankas
Shareholders:Ignitis grupė AB – 100%
Share capital:EUR 90 000 000,12

Contact information

Ignitis gamyba manages and develops strategic electricity generation capacities in Lithuania - Kruonis pumped storage hydroelectric power plant, Combined cycle unit and Reserve power plant in Elektrėnai complex, Kaunas hydropower plant (HPP) and Vilnius Power Plant-3.

The company helps to ensure reliability and security of the energy systems in the whole Baltic and Nordic region as well as contributes to a historical change – synchronization of the Baltic States with the Continental European grids in 2025.

Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

Performance 2023
Performance, EURm




Adjusted EBITDA


Net profit










Number of employees


Company details

Company code:302648707
VAT identification number:LT100006256115
Head office:Elektrinės str. 21, 26108 Elektrėnai, Lithuania
Correspondence address:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania
Establishment date and register:28 August 2008, Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities
Bank account:LT40 7044 0600 0020 3369
Bank:AB SEB bankas
Shareholders:Ignitis grupė AB – 100%
Share capital:EUR 90 000 000,12

Contact information


Asta Sungailienė

Asta Sungailienė


Asta Sungailienė has over 20 years of experience as a senior executive in various fields. She started her managerial career in Vilniaus Bankas, where she worked as a Venture Capital Manager...

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Management Board

Vidmantas Salietis

Vidmantas Salietis

Chair of the Board, shareholder representative

Vidmantas, who is a professional with 10+ years of experience in top-level positions in the energy sector, joined the Group in 2011 and since has served as an executive in various Group companies...

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Edvardas Jatautas

Edvardas Jatautas

Board Member, independent

Edvardas Jatautas is an Independent Member of the Supervisory Board. He is also the owner and Chair of the Management Board of UAB “Profectus novus”...

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Mantas Mikalajūnas

Mantas Mikalajūnas

Board Member, shareholder representative

Mantas, who has almost 20 years of executive experience in various energy sector’s companies, launched his career in Lietuvos Dujos. Later, he had an internship in a German energy group...

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Mindaugas Šeštokas

Mindaugas Šeštokas

Board Member, independent

Mindaugas Šeštokas is a professional with extensive experience in effective company management...

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Vilmantas Vitkauskas

Vilmantas Vitkauskas

Board Member, civil servant

Vilmantas Vitkauskas has more than 23 years’ experience working as a civil servant, in the Ministry of Defense and NATO Intelligence structures...

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