Company details
Company code: | 3202810-4 |
VAT identification number: | FI32028104 |
Head office: | Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland |
Correspondence address: | Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland |
Establishment date and register: | 22 April 2021 |
Bank account: | FI94 5000 0120 4790 34 |
Bank: | OP Corporate Bank plc |
Effective ownership interest: | 100% |
Share capital: | EUR 200,000 |
Contact information
Phone number: | +358 207307820 |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Web: | |
Company governance
Ignitis Suomi Oy
From 2020 January 1 Ignitis, which operates in Finnish market and supplies natural gas to business customers in this Nordic country. In 2021 February Ignitis decided to establish a subsidiary company, Ignitis Suomi.
Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.
Performance, EURm | |
Revenue | 167.2 |
Expenses | 168.5 |
Adjusted EBITDA | (1.3) |
Net profit | (2.0) |
Investments | 0.0 |
Assets | 42.0 |
Equity | 0.2 |
Liabilities | 41.8 |
Number of employees | 2 |
Company details
Company code: | 3202810-4 |
VAT identification number: | FI32028104 |
Head office: | Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland |
Correspondence address: | Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland |
Establishment date and register: | 22 April 2021 |
Bank account: | FI94 5000 0120 4790 34 |
Bank: | OP Corporate Bank plc |
Effective ownership interest: | 100% |
Share capital: | EUR 200,000 |
Contact information
Phone number: | +358 207307820 |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Web: | |
Company governance
Alex Novitsky
Managing director
The Board
Darius Šimkus
Member of the Board of Directors
Darius Šimkus has been a Member of the Supervisory Board since 8 June 2022...
Haroldas Nausėda
Member of the Board of Directors
Haroldas Nausėda is a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Suomi Oy.
Haroldas is also a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis and Chief Business Customer and Development Officer at Ignitis, a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Eesti Ou, a member of the Council of the National Lithuanian Energy Association...
Tadas Adomaitis
Deputy Member
Tadas Adomaitis is a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Suomi Oy.
He is also a Member of the Management Board and Chief Wholesale Officer at Ignitis...