Company details

Company code:303383884
VAT identification number:LT100008860617
Head office:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Correspondence address:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Establishment date and register:2014 m. rugsėjo  22 d., Juridinių asmenų registras
Bank account: LT44 7044 0600 0799 3076
Bank:AB SEB bankas
Shareholders:AB „Ignitis grupė“ – 100%
Share capital:EUR 41,155,000.26

Contact information

Company governance

Ignitis is the largest supplier of electricity and gas in Lithuania, where it provides more than 1.4 million people with all key energy services.

The company also implements energy production solutions from renewable sources, expands electric vehicle infrastructure, offers energy efficiency and heating solutions, and provides other energy services to businesses and private customers.

Ignitis owns energy supply companies in Latvia, Estonia and Poland.

Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

Performance 2023
Performance, EURmConsolidated2Standalone

1 646.8

1 382.0


(1 727.0)

(1 455.6)

Adjusted EBITDA



Net profit















Number of employees



Company details

Company code:303383884
VAT identification number:LT100008860617
Head office:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Correspondence address:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Establishment date and register:2014 m. rugsėjo  22 d., Juridinių asmenų registras
Bank account: LT44 7044 0600 0799 3076
Bank:AB SEB bankas
Shareholders:AB „Ignitis grupė“ – 100%
Share capital:EUR 41,155,000.26

Contact information

Company governance


Artūras Bortkevičius

Artūras Bortkevičius


Artūras Bortkevičius is a Management Board Chair and CEO at Ignitis.

In recent years, Artūras Bortkevičius has held the position of Chief Financial Officer of the international pharmaceutical company Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic States...

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Management Committee

Artūras Bortkevičius

Artūras Bortkevičius


Artūras Bortkevičius is a Management Board Chair and CEO at Ignitis.

In recent years, Artūras Bortkevičius has held the position of Chief Financial Officer of the international pharmaceutical company Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic States...

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Andrius Kavaliauskas

Andrius Kavaliauskas

Head of B2C

Andrius Kavaliauskas joined the Lietuvos Energija group in 2018 and became the Director of the Private Customers and Service Development Department of Lietuvos Energijos Tiekimas...

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Darius Šimkus

Darius Šimkus


Darius Šimkus began his career in the energy sector in 2018 after joining Energijos Tiekimas as Risk Management team lead...

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Haroldas Nausėda

Haroldas Nausėda

Head of B2B

Since 1 June 2019, Haroldas Nausėda has been a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis and Chief Business Customer and Development Officer at Ignitis...

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Tadas Adomaitis

Tadas Adomaitis

Head of Wholesale

Tadas Adomaitis is a Member of the Management Board and Chief Wholesale Officer at Ignitis.

Tadas Adomaitis started his career in the energy sector in 2007. In 2012, he started working for Klaipedos Nafta, where he...

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Vidmantas Salietis

Vidmantas Salietis

Chair of the Board, shareholder representative

Mr. Salietis, who has 7 years of executive experience, joined Ignitis Group in 2011. Since 1 February he holds the position of Chief Commercial Officer...

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Mantas Mikalajūnas

Mantas Mikalajūnas

Board Member, shareholder representative

Mantas is an executive with almost 20 years of experience in various energy sector companies both in regulatory and commercial activities as well as regulatory authority and stakeholder relations, large-scale project management...

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Paulius Dambrauskas

Paulius Dambrauskas

Board Member, independent
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Roger Hunter

Roger Hunter

Board Member, independent

Roger Hunter is Global Vice President of EV Charging at BorgWarner, with overall business accountability for Charging, leading teams across Asia, Europe and North America...

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Toma Sasnauskienė

Toma Sasnauskienė

Board Member, civil servant

Toma Sasnauskienė has more than 16 years of experience in the public sector. Throughout her career, she significantly contributed to the development and improvement of...

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