Diana Kazakevič is the new CEO of Ignitis Polska

1 December 2020

Ignitis Polska, a subsidiary of Ignitis, chose their new Chair of the Board and General Manager. The position was filled by Diana Kazakevič, who worked in Ignitis Group as the Head of Polish Region since 2018. In order to further strengthen the position in the Polish market, Ignitis Polska decided to launch the selection process of an independent member of the supervisory board of the company.

In three years working in the Polish market, Ignitis Polska entered the country’s electricity and gas wholesale market, joined the Nasdaq Commodities OMX market operating in Scandinavia and, this July, became the supplier of electricity and gas in the B2B market.

“Ignitis Polska transforms together with the Polish market, that is why we believe that the change in the strategic management of the company will allow the company to achieve its strategic goals faster and become stronger. A demand for clean energy, sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in Poland is constantly growing and the attention to it will grow even more. Diana has a lot of experience working with clients and a know-how of Polish business culture, which will allow her to strengthen the positions of the company in the market by offering services which meet customers’ expectations the best”, said Ignitis Group CEO and Chair of the Board Darius Maikštėnas.

The Board of Ignitis Polska also decided to launch soon the selection process for the position of an independent member of the supervisory board of the company in order to ensure the successful development of the company. Marek Musial, who has been CEO of Ignitis Polska until now, remains a member of the company's board.

D. Kazakevič is working in Ignitis Group since 2012. Previously, she was responsible for international development of the Group in Central and Eastern Europe. She is also a member of the Board in Gamybos Optimizavimas, a subsidiary company of the Group.

“Ignitis Polska already demonstrated that it is a reliable partner of new and sustainable energy by actively participating in the Polish market and by offering optimal solutions to its clients. I am excited, together with my professional team, to contribute to further company’s development and its strengthening in the rapidly changing energy sector of Poland”, said D. Kazakevič.

The position strengthening in Poland, which is considered a part of the local market of Ignitis Group, is also established in the strategic goals of the international energy company Ignitis Group.

Ignitis Group is currently actively investing into renewable energy projects in the Polish market – the 94 MW project is being developed in Pomerania region and the agreement was signed in September with Sun Investment Group regarding the purchase of portfolios of solar parks under development in Poland.