Company details

Company code:3202810-4
VAT identification number:FI32028104
Head office:Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Correspondence address:Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Establishment date and register:22 April 2021
Bank account:FI94 5000 0120 4790 34
Bank:OP Corporate Bank plc
Effective ownership interest: 100%
Share capital:EUR 200,000

Contact information

From 2020 January 1 Ignitis, which operates in Finnish market and supplies natural gas to business customers in this Nordic country. In 2021 February Ignitis decided to establish a subsidiary company, Ignitis Suomi.

Ignitis Group companies are fully committed to build a sustainable future. You can read more about the Group's sustainability activities in the 2023 Sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report, which is part of the Group's annual report.

Performance 2023
Performance, EURm




Adjusted EBITDA


Net profit










Number of employees


Company details

Company code:3202810-4
VAT identification number:FI32028104
Head office:Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Correspondence address:Firdonkatu 2, Workery West, 6th floor 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Establishment date and register:22 April 2021
Bank account:FI94 5000 0120 4790 34
Bank:OP Corporate Bank plc
Effective ownership interest: 100%
Share capital:EUR 200,000

Contact information


Alex Novitsky

Alex Novitsky

Managing director
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The Board

Darius Šimkus

Darius Šimkus

Member of the Board of Directors

Darius Šimkus has been a Member of the Supervisory Board since 8 June 2022...

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Haroldas Nausėda

Haroldas Nausėda

Member of the Board of Directors

Haroldas Nausėda is a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Suomi Oy.

Haroldas is also a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis and Chief Business Customer and Development Officer at Ignitis, a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Eesti Ou, a member of the Council of the National Lithuanian Energy Association...

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Tadas Adomaitis

Tadas Adomaitis

Deputy Member

Tadas Adomaitis is a Member of the Management Board of Ignitis Suomi Oy.

He is also a Member of the Management Board and Chief Wholesale Officer at Ignitis...

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