Wind farms

Ignitis Renewables is managing the Group’s wind farm projects in the Baltic States and Poland. These countries perfectly suitable to develop onshore wind because there are no natural obstacles (e.g., high mountains) that block the wind and the population density is low. By developing wind farms, we lay a path for the energy transition. 

Onshore wind farms 

Our objective is to build over 700 MW onshore wind capacities by 2027. 283 MW are already generating energy, while 437 MW are under construction. We are currently developing the largest wind farm in the Baltic States, a 300 MW project in Kelmė district. It will start operating in 2025 and will be able to cover the electricity demand of an area the size of Kaunas district. We also have wind farms in Kretinga, Jurbarkas and Tauragė districts in Lithuania as well as Pomerania and Silesia provinces in Poland. 

Ignitis Group’s onshore wind farms

31 March 2024 data 

CountryInstalled capacity Under construction Total capacity 
The Baltic states 139 MW300 MW439 MW


121 MW:

  • Mažeikiai WF (63 MW), COD in 2023

  • Jurbarkas WF (24 MW), COD in 2016

  • Tauragė WF II (15 MW), COD in 2011

  • Tauragė WF I (10 MW), COD in 2010

  • Kretinga WF (9 MW), COD in 2010 

300 MW:

  • Kelmė WF I (105 MW), COD in 2025

  • Kelmė WF II (195 MW), COD in 2025 

421 MW


18 MW

  • Mali ir Tamba vėjo parkas (18 MW), pradėjo veiklą 2014 m.
-18 MW

144 MW:

  • Silesia WF I (50 MW), COD in 2024

  • Pomerania WF (94 MW), COD in 2021 

137 MW:

  • Silesia WF II (137 MW), COD in H2 2024 
281 MW
All countries283 MW437 MW720 MW 

More about onshore wind 


Offshore wind farms

Offshore wind development is strategically important for the global energy transition. Successful development of wind farms in the Baltic Sea is a very important step towards regional energy independence.

Such projects will significantly increase local electricity generation from renewable energy sources and, thus, decrease the dependence on electricity imports. They will also facilitate the region's transition to a sustainable green energy hub and contribute to the goal to turn the Baltic States into energy exporters to Central Europe. 

We are targeting to implement at least two offshore wind projects in the Baltic States, one in Lithuania (with estimated COD around 2030) and at least one more in another Baltic country (estimated COD after 2030).


The first Lithuanian offshore wind farm, Curonian Nord

The first Lithuanian offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea has a designated maritime area of around 120 km² in size. The site is at least 37 km away from the Lithuanian coast. The total capacity of the offshore wind farm should reach 700 MW. The wind farm will have up to 55 wind turbines with a maximum height of 350 m.

The project is expected to start operations around 2030. We are developing the offshore wind farm together with Ocean Winds. The Curonian Nord offshore wind farm will cover about a quarter of Lithuania’s current electricity demand. 

Read more about the Curonian Nord offshore wind farm
Estijos jūrinio vėjo elektrinių parkas

Estonian offshore wind farm

We won two Estonian tenders for developing offshore wind projects in the Baltic Sea, Liivi 1 and Liivi 2. Both maritime areas are located in the Gulf of Riga, north-west of Ruhnu Island, near the Estonian coast. The total maritime area is around 193 km².

The theoretical capacity of both areas is estimated at 2.3 GW, but the actual capacity of the offshore wind farm will be around 1–1.5 GW. The final capacity will depend on the results of the environmental impact assessment, site optimisation and other factors.

The project is expected to start operations around 2035. We are developing it together with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP). 

More about offshore wind

Ignitis Renewables 

Ignitis Renewables is an international green energy company operating in the Baltics and Poland. It focuses on developing green generation and green flexibility technologies. By developing onshore and offshore wind, solar, battery and power-to-X technologies, the company is implementing Ignitis Group’s strategic priority to deliver 4–5 GW of installed green capacities by 2030. 


Communities near wind farms

We are closely cooperating with local communities located near the wind farms we are developing or managing. We also create value for Lithuanian regions by ensuring a culture of responsible and sustainable business. 

Vietos bendruomenės ir mes

Local communities and us

The wind farms we are developing are surrounded by people who cherish and protect their land. We respect the locals and understand their concerns about potential changes. That is why, from the very beginning, we are building a relationship with local communities based on openness and good will. It is the foundation for being a good neighbour. 

We are trying to be a good neighbour and promote mutual trust by listening to the expectations and needs of local communities while sharing relevant information about the projects we develop, their impact on the environment and the measures we take to reduce it. 


Financial support for communities

We contribute to improving the environment, quality of life and energy efficiency by providing financial support for local community projects.

Promoting education is another way for us to try and be better neighbours. Our experts are sharing their knowledge about renewables and their significance in ensuring the national energy independence with the communities. We also contribute to strengthening the sense of civic duty. 

Find out more about our cooperation with communities here.