Company details

Company code:304151376
VAT identification number:LT100009860612
Head office:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania
Correspondence address:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Establishment date and register:December 2015, Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities
Bank account:LT18 7044 0600 0158 1747
Bank:AB SEB bankas
Shareholders:AB „Ignitis grupė“ – 100%
Share capital:EUR 259,442,796.57

Contact information

AB "Energijos skirstymo operatorius"

Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius (ESO) distributes electricity and natural gas. It also maintains the infrastructure by reconstructing and modernising the network, improving network reliability and deploying innovations. In addition, the company ensures the sustainable development of the natural gas and electricity networks while connecting new consumers to the network and facilitating renewables-based generation.

ESO maintains, modernises and expands the distribution networks that bring electricity and natural gas to private and business customers. It ensures the efficiency of services by deploying smart solutions. The company also informs consumers about network reconstructions, provides information to prosumers and ensures the implementation of smart accounting solutions.

ESO services nearly 1.9 million customers in Lithuania. The company services an area of 65,300 km² and maintains over 130,000 km of overhead and underground power lines while operating over 9,000 km of gas distribution pipelines.

Ignitis Group’s companies are firmly committed to create a sustainable future. For more information on the Group’s sustainability efforts, see Sustainability report (Corporate social responsibility report), which is an integral part of the Group Integrated Annual Report 2023.

The Code of Ethics of Ignitis Group is based on the values of our organisation and describes the code of conduct to be followed by the Group companies and employees. You can find the Code of Ethics here.

Performance 2023
Performance, mln. Eur




Adjusted EBITDA


Net profit





2 196.8




1 465.5

Number of employees

2 595

Company details

Company code:304151376
VAT identification number:LT100009860612
Head office:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Lithuania
Correspondence address:Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius
Establishment date and register:December 2015, Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities
Bank account:LT18 7044 0600 0158 1747
Bank:AB SEB bankas
Shareholders:AB „Ignitis grupė“ – 100%
Share capital:EUR 259,442,796.57

Contact information


Renaldas Radvila

Renaldas Radvila


Renaldas Radvila is the CEO of ESO since 24 November 2022.

Renaldas Radvila gained management experience working in the telecommunications and energy sectors...

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Management board

Nerijus Datkūnas

Nerijus Datkūnas

Chair of the Board, independent member

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Dalia Jakutavičė

Dalia Jakutavičė

Board Member, employee representative

Dalia Jakutavičė is a Representative of the employees in the Supervisory Board.

Dalia Jakutavičė has been holding office since 14 October 2019. Dalia is also currently the Head of the Lithuanian Industry Trade Union Federation,...

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Darius Maikštėnas

Darius Maikštėnas

Board Member, shareholder representative in energy distribution and regulation

Since 14 February 2023 Darius Maikštėnas is serving as a shareholder's representative in the Board of Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius (ESO), supervising energy distribution and regulation areas...

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Dr. Živilė Skibarkienė

Dr. Živilė Skibarkienė

Board Member, shareholder representative in strategic planning and governance

Since 14 February 2023 Živilė Skibarkienė is serving as a shareholder's representative in the Board of Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius (ESO), supervising strategic planning and management areas...


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Eligijus Kajieta

Eligijus Kajieta

Board Member, independent

Eligijus Kajieta is an Independent Member of the Supervisory Board at ESO.

Eligijus has been holding office since 29 April 2022...

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