Lietuvos energija contributes to the sustainable development objectives

11 July 2017
Savings of nearly 10 GWh of electricity, production from renewable sources increased to 33 per cent, the average customer satisfaction ratio exceeding 75 per cent, employee engagement reaching more than 50 per cent, a support of EUR 620,000 to 25 public initiatives, and more than EUR 100 million dividend contribution to the State budget. Those are merely some of the accomplishments published in the Corporate Responsibility Report for 2016 of Lietuvos energija Group presenting its performance from the viewpoint of economic, social and environmental responsibility.
‘We are among the Lithuanian companies that were the first to relate their corporate responsibility reports, activities and the results with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals on the global scale defined until 2030. In our report, we disclosed that the implementation of the sustainable development goals is reflected in the value chain of Lietuvos energija’ says Dr. Dalius Misiūnas, Chairman of the Board and the CEO of Lietuvos energija.
The Group identified the sustainable development goals most relevant for its operations, and disclosed the activities whereby it contributed to their achievements during last year. As its key sustainable development goals Lietuvos energija indicated the development of affordable and clean energy, development of innovations and infrastructure, contribution to the development of sustainable cities and communities, mitigation of the effects on climate change, protection of life below water and on land, ensuring decent work and economic growth, promotion of responsible consumption and production, and quality education. The links between the Company’s operations and the results with the specific sustainable development goals will be reviewed on an annual basis.
In 2016, Lietuvos energija Group rolled out its ‘Operational excellence’ programme which is designed to improve its daily operations. During last year the Group registered more than 380 of such improvements whereby saving more than 34,000 euros and in excess of 20,000 working hours that were used to improve the current services and create new ones.  By perfecting their processes and boosting their efficiency the employees of Lietuvos energija Group created preconditions for reducing operational costs, at the same time reaching more sustainable financial results, and the return to its shareholders –  the state of Lithuania and its citizens – of more than 100 million euros.
Furthermore, last year the Group strengthened its employee professional development, as it launched long-term management education programmes, and a number of beginner integration events. In addition, successful was the internal training programme delivered by specific area experts working at Group enterprises who volunteered to become lecturers and started actively sharing their knowledge and expertise with their colleagues. These in addition to other actions significantly contributed to the growth of employee engagement which in 2016 on the group level increased to 54 per cent.
During 2017, Lietuvos energija Group is continuing its responsible operations practice, and is in the process of introducing the changes designed to support the progress of the entire organisation and the business environment: the Group supports equal opportunities, promotes innovations, energy efficiency, the wellness and engagement of its employees, and the development of responsible business practice in the energy sector, as well as the entire country.