Lietuvos energija Support Foundation Calls for Applications

22 June 2017
The Lietuvos energija Support Foundation started allocating the support of the year 2017. In the period from June 20 until July 20, the organisations with a support beneficiary status and compliant with the criteria set forth by the Support Foundation are invited to submit their applications for support.  
This year the Board of the Support Foundation specified a new area for support allocation at the national level – promotion of employment of children and the youth. The remaining two areas – support to children suffering from oncology diseases and the promotion of innovations by supporting ideas of young researchers – remained unchanged. The budget of the Support Foundation is formed from contributions of up to 1 per cent of the consolidated net profit of all companies of the Group. The support may not and is not granted to finance any political parties or campaigns, or support extreme sports.
“Our understanding of responsibility and value creation is much broader than only the provision of high quality energy services. Given the areas relevant for the development of the Lithuanian society this year, we selected promotion of employment of children and the youth as one of our target priorities. We expect to receive applications from organisations and movements experienced in the implementation of social projects contributing to reducing social exclusion. Just like every year, support to national or regional projects will be allocated having evaluated them on the basis of clear and publicly identifiable criteria and complying with the highest transparency requirements,” says Dalius Misiūnas, Chairman of the Board of Lietuvos energija Support Foundation and its Director General.
The Board selected this new support area in view of the social trends emerging in the country:  Lithuania is still among the countries with the highest suicide rates in Europe, recording numerous cases of violence against children, every third pupil subject to bullying at school, a lot of children growing in social risk families. In the opinion of the Board of the Foundation, promotion of employment among children and the youth through creation of the environment conducive to education and self-development of children by ensuring a positive socialisation context would contribute to the social development of the society and building of its well-being, while addressing the relevant problems. 
Just like every other year the applications for support will be evaluated in two stages: the administrative eligibility check will evaluate whether the application is correctly filled in and the quality evaluation will cover the compliance of the applications to the support allocation criteria. National significance projects will be allocated 60 per cent of their expenses from the Foundation support budget and, respectively, 40 per cent to regional projects, i.e. implemented in the communities in which the companies of the Group operate.
The Lietuvos energija Support Foundation was established in 2014 with a view to integrating and coordinating the support allocated by all companies of the Group to projects, initiatives and activities of societal significance. The allocation of support through the Foundation ensures its transparency and the implementation of social responsibility measures implemented by companies of the Group. The Foundation has granted support to 60 projects and activities in the course of the three years of its activity.
The template of applications of Lietuvos energija Support Foundations and other documents are available at: