An Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba is to be convened on 24 March; payment of dividends is proposed

28 February 2017
An Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba is to be convened on 24 March 2017 by the initiative and resolution of the Board of the Company.
The Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders of the Company will take place at Elektrinės st. 21, Elektrėnai. The meeting will start at 9.00 a.m. on 24 March 2017.
Shareholders are proposed to approve the Annual Report and the audited Annual Financial Statements of Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba for the year 2016, and to allocate the profit (loss) of Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba for the year 2016.
The Company proposes to pay out EUR 12.7 million (EUR 0.02 per share) as dividends for the period of 2016.07.01–2016.12.31. It would sum up to EUR 40.01 million in total for 2016 together with the paid out dividends for the period of 2016.01.01–2016.06.30.
More information on the convection of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, Annual Report, audited Annual Financial Statements and the project of profit (loss) allocation may be found at the website of NASDAQ (link).