The service for tertiary power reserve has been tested

6 January 2017
The 7th unit of the reserve power plant owned by Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba (LEG) was activated for the test launch upon the order of the electricity transmission system operator Litgrid at midnight on 6th of January. It has been ensuring the tertiary active power reserve service in production since 1 January 2017 by using fuel oil as the main fuel.
“The test has shown that we are prepared to provide reliable services for reserve and we will do that efficiently. The unit achieved the power required by the system operator even though frost aggravated the launch. We have calculated that the third power reserve service that we provide will save EUR 10.4 million for electricity consumers”  - a member of the Board and CEO of LEG Eglė Čiužaitė said.
The test was carried out according to the programme for checking the tertiary power reserve provision service drawn up by Litgrid and the ordered amount of 224 MW of the provided reserve service was achieved.
Representatives of Litgrid and the State Energy Inspectorate monitored the course of the implementation. Litgrid will conduct analysis of the test results and will present its conclusions in the beginning of next week.
When conducting the test, thermometers showed 20 degrees below zero. Such frost complicates conditions for launching fuel oil-fired units, mainly due to slowed down circulation of fuel in the systems.
LEG is prepared to activate its 8th unit also if it will be necessary. This unit is able to provide the tertiary reserve service at the power of 260 MW using two types of fuel - fuel oil and gas.