Provide technical support to the Foundations package in all activities related to the design, certification and procurement of offshore foundations for an offshore wind project in the Lithuanian Baltic Sea. Main focus will be the contracting/management of all design phases from concept to detailed design, including design basis preparation and the coordination of the certification and approval process for the foundation package. The role includes management of related consultancy services and the management of interfaces to other packages.
If that speaks to you, we’d be happy to welcome you to our team!
Take YOUR part in #EnergySmart!
You will contribute to green and secure energy ecosystem creation by:
- Providing technical support and knowledge expertise to the design, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning of offshore foundations and related items in accordance with in-house engineering, Q&A, and HSSE procedures in respect to time, costs, safety, quality and interfaces
- Managing the complete design and implementation process in accordance with in-house engineering procedures during conceptual, FEED and detailed design, in alignment with the Foundation Package Manager and related engineering packages
- Acting as the focal point within the Foundations Team for all the technical interfaces with the Foundations designer and external consulting companies
- Managing different consultancy contracts throughout the project development and construction phases
- Providing technical support to the Procurement Team in the co-ordination of the tendering processes and evaluation of consultants/suppliers
Required for this position:
- University degree (structural or civil engineering)
- 5 years of experience in foundation design and construction of offshore wind farms
- Proven track record for the position of design manager or foundation engineer in at least one offshore wind farm project, including the detail design and manufacturing phase
- Proficient software skills with MS Office. MS Project and/or Primavera skills are of advantage
- Very good understanding of the technical and organizational processes for large infrastructure projects
- Experience in leading and working with multi-disciplinary and intercultural project teams
In return for creating a more sustainable future, we promise:
- To take part in an unfolding energy transformation process to create a 100% green and secure energy ecosystem for both current and future generations
- International team that is working on dynamic renewable energy projects
- A hybrid work model (3+2) and flexible working hours
- Extensive learning and qualification enhancement programs
- Attention to physical and emotional health: wellness mentor initiatives and psychological support, volleyball, and basketball teams, etc.
- A package of additional benefits to choose from: pension accumulation, health insurance, or another benefit from the selectable benefits list in the MELP application.
Join a growing and increasingly international team of energy smart people united by a common purpose. We all play our part in creating a 100% green and secure energy ecosystem for current and future generations.
As we pursue our strategic goals to increase gender balance in Ignitis Group, we are indicating “f/m/d” next to job titles, meaning we welcome candidates of all genders – female, male or diverse.
Ignitis Group is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate against race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, age, disability or other personal traits unrelated to work obligations.
Dar nenori kandidatuoti?
Nerandi sau tinkančios pozicijos? Ar dar šiuo metu nežinai, ar tikrai nori keisti darbą? Įkelk savo CV į mūsų duomenų bazę ir mes pažadame dalintis su tavimi darbo skelbimais bei svarbiomis su karjera susijusiomis naujienomis.
Pasidalinti skelbimu
Pasidalink šiuo darbo pasiūlymu socialiniuose tinkluose ir prisidėk prie talentų, kuriančių tvarią ateitį, paieškos. Kartu įgalinkime energetikos pokytį!
Kodėl pas mus?
Nes čia savo laiką ir žinias leisi prasmingai. Mes kuriame 100 % žalią ir saugią energetikos ekosistemą dabarties ir ateities kartoms, prisijunk ir padarykime neįmanoma drauge.
Mainais už tvarios ateities kūrimą siūlome konkurencingą atlyginimą, lanksčius naudų paketus pritaikytus skirtingiems poreikiams, neribotas karjeros ir tobulėjimo galimybes, fiziškai ir emociškai saugią, įtraukią darbo aplinką. Take YOUR part in #EnergySmart!