Financial support granted to local communities in 2023 in Lithuania


Support provided by Ignitis Renewables, UAB

n 2022 Ignitis Renewables and its subsidiaries have granted financial support to nine communities that are located near the renewable energy projects managed by the companies. A total of EUR 86,100 has been allocated to support the communities financially. All approved projects feature upgrades and installation of the infrastructure that is relevant to the local communities.

1. Support recipient: Pikeliai community
Support objective: Upgrading the energy efficiency of Pikeliai community’s premises
Support amount: EUR 9,873.61
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 May 2023.

2. Support recipient: Girkaliai community centre
Support objective: community information visuals (installation of information boards)
Support amount: EUR 9,782
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 May 2022.

3. Support recipient: association of Lauksargiai community “Lauksargiškiai”
Support objective:  Upgrading electricity installation of the hall at Lauksargiai culture house
Support amount: EUR 9,346.19
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 June 2023.

4. Support recipient:  Rotuliai community
Support objective: upgrading public infrastructure (fixing outdoor stairs near the community premises)
Support amount: EUR 10,000
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 July 2023.

5. Support recipient:  Vydmantai community centre “Vydmantai”
Support objective: installing lighting solutions charged by solar energy in public spaces (in the leisure/recreational zones of Vydmantai)
Support amount: EUR 10,096.79
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 July 2022.

6. Support recipient:  Vydmantų gymnasium in the Kretinga region
Support objective: upgrading the infrastructure of the sports grounds-stadium (installing a net for catching balls)
Support amount: EUR 9,982
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 August 2022.

7. Support recipient:  Vydmantai St. John the Baptist Parish
Support objective: installing the electricity infrastructure at the new complex of a church and parsonage
Support amount: EUR 9,367.86
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 April 2022.

8. Support recipient: Dainiai II association “Jovarų alėja”
Support objective: “Safer – brighter” (the upgrading the lighting in main streets of the residential area)
Support amount: EUR 7,799.74
The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 15 November 2023.

9. Support recipient: association “Creating together”
Support objective: upgrading energy efficiency of community premises (adapting premises for the needs of pilgrims/tourists)
Support amount: EUR 9,934.95

The support recipient undertakes to implement the project by 1 May 2023.