Kaunas Hydroelectric Power Plant renamed after President Algirdas Brazauskas

2014 m. lapkričio 24 d.
An official ceremony has been held at Kaunas Hydroelectric Power Plant to rename it after the late President of Lithuania Algirdas Brazauskas. The power plant was renamed by the decision of the Government of Lithuania to commemorate the bright memory of the first president of the re-established state of Lithuania and express gratitude for all great things he had done for his country.
During the ceremony which was attended by Brazauskas’ family members, friends and colleagues, Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius and CEO of Lietuvos Energija Dalius Misiūnas unveiled a memorial plaque commemorating the outstanding president.
Controlled by Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba, Kaunas Hydroelectric Power Plant is the biggest Lithuanian power plant which uses renewable resources. It was not by accident that the plant was given the name of President Brazauskas. Brazauskas first joined Kaunas Hydroelectric Power Plant project as hydrotechnical engineer in 1956-1958 when he was still studying at Kaunas Polytechnic Institute (now Kaunas University of Technology).
“Brazauskas was glad to contribute to the construction of this unique structure in Lithuania. He worked with energy and dedication, he was demanding and inventive. Brazauskas was concerned about the Lithuanian economy, the energy sector and the progress of construction. As Brazauskas stated on many occasions, that was how he understood his contribution to Lithuania. So, his experience at the hydroelectric power plant laid solid foundations for his further work to the benefit of Lithuania,” declared Prime Minister Butkevičius.
During the plaque opening ceremony it was stated that 22 years ago today, when the Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania (later – Lithuanian Social Democratic Party) led by Brazauskas won the majority seats in the Seimas, Brazauskas was elected Speaker of the Seimas, and on 25 November 1992 he became Acting President of Lithuania.  
At presidential elections held on 14 February 1993, 60 percent of voters voted for Brazauskas. He was elected President of Lithuania for a five year term.
On 3 July 2001, the Seimas appointed Brazauskas Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania. He held this post until next parliamentary elections in which he was reappointed Prime Minister and held this office until June 2006.
From now Kaunas Hydroelectric Power Plant will be officially called Kaunas Algirdas Brazauskas Power Plant.